Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

miércoles, abril 30, 2008

How to: desbloquear las regiones del DVD

A ver, el top-manta = MAL; pero las regiones en DVD = estafa.

Por si no lo sabías, los reproductores de DVD vienen
“capados” de fábrica para reproducir
sólamente algunos DVDs (basado en regiones geográficas).
Eso es una ESTAFA. Un recorte injusto y arbitrario de tus derechos, y
una manipulación del mercado.

Pues bien, eso se puede solucionar. Resulta que todos los fabricantes incluyen back-doors
para servicio técnico, accesibles con el mando a distancia. O
sea, que con unas cuantas teclas puedes liberar tu reproductor de DVD,
para que puedas ver cualquier DVD del mundo. ¿Por qué?
Muy sencillo: ediciones especiales, ediciones limitadas,
importaciones… y sobretodo que hay sitios en los que los DVDs
cuestan MUCHO menos.

Páginas donde informan sobre cómo desbloquear tu DVD hay varias.

Páginas donde puedes comprar y comparar DVDs de otras regiones mucho más baratos, y más tal y como está el dolar (y que incluso te informan de cómo comprar) también hay muchas.

Mesh: Elementos de la web como entorno integrado aplicaciones + datos

Facetas de la web como servicios de aplicaciones y datos (mesh)

Marc’s Voice » Blog Archive » How to build the mesh - #4: the Live Web

How to build the mesh - #4: the Live Web


Action Items in this area include:

- uniting IM protocols together utilizing XMPP - Meebo for everyone

- supporting standards for access and privileges controls - so one’s access controls are respected and interpreted correctly by other networks

- opt in controls - so the end-user can control whether or not their email and other info can be moved elsewhere if it’s in someone else’s Contacts list

- the pervasive notion of ‘multiple personas’ - so that one can maintain multiple sets of friends, content, etc. all within the ‘umbrella’ of a single Live Web account

- DNS-like infrastructure - so that multiple copies of the same service (eg. Twitter) - can share member databases

- and (of course) we need to continue to educate end-users on the importance of their control over their own data

Action Items in general include:

- make sure that ALL the open standards continue to rise in popularity, that all implementations are compatible with each other and that more open standards get created

- testing and compatibility labs - a place where we can guarantee that everything works together. Building a COMPATIBLE mesh will be a challenge - and it won’t ever happen if things break or don’t work.

- two-way APIs - until we can write back into systems and services as easily as we can get data from those services we won’t have a symmetrical architecture and a successful mesh environment

- establish OutputThis as a standard for content producers to list all of the destinations they’d like to route their content - to. SEE Dataportability.

The tipping point in open source

El año de Linux y el Software libre ha llegado: los grandes creadores de hardware apoyan seriamente el desarrollo de drivers de código abierto.

Slashdot | Major PC Vendors Push For Open Source Drivers
"Remember the heat the Linux Foundation took for allegedly not giving enough attention to Desktop Linux? The latest events at the Foundation's annual summit paint a different picture. Industry heavyweights like Dell, HP, and Lenovo 'announced on stage that they will now include wording in their hardware procurement processes to "strongly encourage" the delivery of open source drivers'. The move specifically targets desktop and mobile products."

Python PyQt4 Tutorial

Europython 2006 (03-05 July 2006)
PyQt4 is a set of bindings for Qt 4, a cross-platform C++ framework used to make graphical user interface (GUI) applications. With the release of PyQt4, Python developers are now able to develop powerful cross-platform applications and deploy them under the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Qt Commercial License on all platforms that support Qt and Python. We will first briefly discuss PyQt (for Qt 3) and PyKDE (bindings for the K Desktop Environment), and take a look at what has changed in PyQt4. The main part of the presentation will cover the new possibilities that PyQt4 offers developers, including access to Qt's rich text handling features, sophisticated data handling controls, internationalization support, and integration with the Qt Designer GUI design tool.

Introduction to PyQT4
Creating an application in PyQT4 may be done in a few ways. The most common one is to use QTDesigner, which we get with QT. QTDesigner let us draw the GUI which is very handy for complicated interfaces. We can place widgets on the window, add names etc. To create an application in PyQT4 you have to:

* Create the GUI in QTDesigner
* Set names in the Property Editor to ease coding of the application (QTDesigner)
* Using pyuic4 create the python GUI class
* Call the application using that GUI class
* Extend it with our own slots
* When you use a widget you go to PyQt's Classes and check methods of each used widgets. The method names as "setText" are very easy to understand :nice:

How to Think Like a (Python) Programmer

Libro Python

How to Think Like a (Python) Programmer
Download How to Think Like a (Python) Programmer in PDF.

UPDATE: March 7, 2008. I printed a short run of How to Think Like a (Python) Programmer for my class Software Design this Spring. If you are a teacher using How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, and you are interested in helping me test the new edition, please contact downey at allendowney dot com and we will arrange to get hardcopies for your students.

This book is a substantially revised version of
How to Think Like
a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python

martes, abril 29, 2008

Caída del precio de la vivienda usada - graficos

Estudios gráficos de la evolución del precio de la vivienda.

Porque el Carbono no lo es todo... » En Silicio
Valor vivienda en Madrid y Barcelona (Idealista)

* A lo largo de 2007 y 2008 la vivienda se ha devaluado hasta un 5% y un 10% desde su valor máximo. En ambas ciudades los precios están a valores de 2005.
* El turning point de la vivienda usada se produjo a finales de 2006.
* Al principio los precios de Madrid y Barcelona subieron de forma similar, pero a partir de 2004 la subida se freno en Madrid. Esto puede deberse a que los precios en Madrid eran más altos en valor absoluto y alcanzaron antes el techo de renta disponible.Valor vivienda en Madrid y Barcelona (Idealista)

Derechos en caso de detención

Defensa Jurídica: Manual de Autodefensa Jurídica - La detención. Los derechos del detenido y procedimiento de Habeas Corpus
¿Cuáles son mis derechos como detenido?

- Tienes derecho a no declarar si no quieres o declarar sólo ante el Juez. A veces, este derecho se confunde con dar respuestas como “no se” o “no recuerdo”, lo cual es en sí mismo una declaración. Debes tener en cuenta que el silencio del sospechoso no es nunca delictivo ni aporta indicios de nada.
- Tienes derecho a ser informad@ de tus derechos y de las razones de tu detención. Tanto el art. 17.3 CE y 250.2 LECr señalan que debe realizarse de forma inmediata a la detención y de una manera que resulte comprensible (art. 520.2 LECr)
- Tienes derecho a designar abogado y pedir que este presente en tu declaración. Si no conoces ninguno, tienes derecho a que te nombren uno de oficio.
- Tienes derecho a designar a una persona para que le comuniquen tu detención y donde te encuentras. Si eres menor de edad o se trata de un incapaz, la policía deberá comunicarlo a sus familiares o, caso de no localizarlos, al Ministerio Fiscal (art. 520.3 LECr). En caso de ser extranjero, podrá ser informado su Consulado de la detención.
- Tienes derecho a ser reconocido por un médico. Puede pedirse en cualquier momento. El abogado se asegurará de que tal derecho le ha sido ofrecido al detenido (520.2, f, LECr). El médico será el médico forense. No puedes exigir que te reconozca el médico que tu elijas. Tú estado físico y psíquico como detenido debe ser el adecuado para ser interrogado
- Tienes derecho a ser asistido por un intérprete.

La detención y otras medidas cautelares - El abogado informa - Recomendaciones de los abogados de iAbogado.com.
Los derechos del detenido

La persona detenida, debe ser informada de modo que pueda comprender, de los hechos delictivos de los que se le acusa y de las razones que han dado lugar a su detención, así como de los derechos que le asisten, especialmente de los siguientes:


Derecho a guardar silencio no declarando si no lo desea, a no contestar alguna o algunas de las preguntas que le planteen, y tendrá derecho a manifestar que sólo declarará ante el Juez.

Derecho a no declarar contra sí mismo y a no confesarse culpable.
* Derecho a designar libremente abogado y a pedir que asista a actos de declaración y que intervenga en cualquier reconocimiento de identidad de que sea objeto.

Si el detenido o preso no designara abogado, se le designará uno de oficio por parte de la autoridad judicial o funcionario que le custodie, quien deberá acudir al centro de detención a la mayor brevedad posible.

Derecho a que se informe al familiar o persona que desee, el hecho de la detención y el lugar de custodia en que se halle en cada momento.

Los extranjeros tendrán derecho a que las circunstancias anteriores se comuniquen a la Oficina Consular de su país.

Derecho a ser asistido por un intérprete de forma gratuita si el extranjero no comprende o no habla el castellano.

Derecho a ser reconocido por el Médico Forense o su sustituto legal y, en su defecto por el Médico forense de la Institución en que se encuentre, o por cualquier otro dependiente del Estado o de otras Administraciones Públicas.
* Si se trata de un menor de edad o incapacitado, la autoridad que custodie al detenido informará de los hechos a quienes ejerzan la patria potestad , la tutela o la guarda de hecho del menor y, si no se las encontrase, se informará inmediatamente al Ministerio Fiscal.

Si el detenido menor o incapacitado fuese además extranjero, la detención se comunicará al Cónsul de su país.

lunes, abril 28, 2008

Robot emocional (provoca emociones!)

Robot que baila y sigue la mirada. Robot social que parece un pollito amarillo ( o muñeco de nieve, según se mire ).

Cute robot gaze tracking - pose robot.

Keepon & the BeatBots

Keepon and Roillo
are two robots designed for non-verbal interaction with children.
Keepon is shaped approximately like a snowman, with two cameras for
eyes and a microphone for a nose. After one bar of music, he starts
getting down in his robotic-type fashion. (two videos that need flash
are the attraction here)

También: robot que hace gestos humanos.


Página web para dejar de fumar

Trucos mentales que eliminan la adicción sin darse cuenta.
Página web en flash

Debate sobre el canon digital en Canal Sur

Video del youtube y comentarios de los pro - libertad.

Segundo programa de "Mejor lo hablamos" dedicado a la piratería y al canon con David Bravo y Javier Capitán
Después de un primer y exitoso debate hace un par de años, el programa "Mejor lo hablamos" volvió a dedicar ayer su tiempo al mundo de las descargas por P2P y la propiedad intelectual. Entre los invitados están David Bravo, Javier Capitán y Manuel Pimentel.

Debatiendo sobre el canon « Elblogdelcapi
estuve en el debate de Canal Sur Mejor lo Hablamos, presentado por
Mariló Montero, en el que nos dedicamos a hablar sobre el canon
digital. Dos mesas, una frente a la otra, cuatro a a cada lado. En la
que o estaba nos encontrábamos los que no estamos de acuerdo con la
implantación del canon digital al tiempo que pensamos que el el autor
tiene derecho a ser retribuido por su trabajo, como no puede ser de
otra forma.

David Bravo - Algunas valoraciones sobre "Mejor lo Hablamos" y vídeo del programa. (Actualizado)
El debate tuvo demasiados vídeos que lastraban el intercambio de opiniones. No sé a los espectadores pero esos momentos me aburrían. Si os soy sincero en más de una ocasión, durante esos tiempos muertos, no dejaba de pensar que me estaba perdiendo Muchachada Nui.

36.000 Palíndromos Españoles

36.000 Palíndromos Españoles [PDF]
Según la RAE, palíndromo significa: 'palabra o frase que se lee igual de izquierda a derecha, que de derecha a izquierda'. Pues eso, en este PDF tenéis 36000. Toda una frikada. Recopilación de Víctor Carbajo.

sábado, abril 26, 2008

Juegos educativos

Comentario Slashdot /. Incluye el juego "Tranquilidad"

Here's the educative games I suggest.

http://www.food-force.com/ Made by the U.N. Free, MacOS X or Windows. (sorry no Linux afaik) Probably the best one in my list for the 6-8 years old.

http://www.tqworld.com/ - Tranquility. After years and years, this game has something no other game offers. Well suited for the youngsters. Free, but not open source.

http://www.stopdisastersgame.org/ U.N. too. Free and web-based. Excellent. Probably best for 8 years old (older ones of your range). Surprisingly informative.

http://www.stepmania.com/ Not sure that ones counts as edutainment, but it sure is good for the children! Open source and available for all platforms.

http://www.openttd.org/ A railroad tycoon open source clone (gosh I'm getting old
;-). Suitable for your oldest ones?

For the curious ones, here's the other worthy (subjective) open source games I discovered with time. http://del.icio.us/Satri/game+opensource

viernes, abril 25, 2008

Mozilla Weave: Integración Firefox entre escritorio y web

Firefox extensions para integrar los datos locales con los proveedores web

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Weave
As the Web continues to evolve and more of our lives move online, we believe that Web browsers like Firefox can and should do more to broker rich experiences while increasing user control over their data and personal information.

One important area for exploration is the blending of the desktop and the Web through deeper integration of the browser with online services.

MAME How to

Por qué nunca me funcionan las ROMs del MAME, y cómo solucionarlo. (Hint - las ROMs sólo valen para una versión del MAME, pero hay una aplicación que te extrae las que siguen funcionando para la siguiente versión.

PC Gaming Suggestions for Console-like Fun?
As MAME evolves, the ROM sets get replaced with new and better extractions, so you'll want a piece of software to manage them.

ClrMAMEPro is a tool that will use the data files from the latest version of MAME, and scan a big huge mess of old ROM files, extracting whatever is useful from them into a nice, neat set that works with the current version:

http://www.clrmame.com/ [clrmame.com]

jueves, abril 24, 2008

Declaracion de tipos en Python

Static typing Type ckecking

Typechecking module for Python
This package provides powerful run-time typechecking facilities for Python functions, methods and generators. Without requiring a custom preprocessor or alterations to the language, the typecheck package allows programmers and quality assurance engineers to make precise assertions about the input to, and output from, their code.

Dieta sana

Sitio web con consejos para una dieta saludable y un monitor macizorro
Oprah and Bob's BestLife Challenge 2008
Ready for a Challenge? That’s exactly what losing weight and becoming healthier is—a challenging journey with highs and lows and life-changing rewards. Many of you have been on this journey before and may be wondering: What’s so different about my approach?

The major difference is that I don’t hand you a diet and expect you to completely overhaul your eating and exercise habits overnight. Instead, I’ll guide you through gradual changes that will take off the pounds, and will keep your weight down next year, in 10 years, and even 50 years down the road. I’m not fixated on shedding pounds quickly—instead, I’m focused on helping you find a way of living that will keep you at a healthy weight for life. Hence, the Best Life Diet. This plan, which is available as a book and companion website (TheBestLife.com), offers a three-phased program that takes you through both weight loss and maintenance. As a member of the Challenge, you'll get a plan based on The Best Life Diet, just not as detailed. If you need more support, consider joining TheBestLife.com, which offers a number of benefits, including:

• Extensive menu plans tailored to your specific calorie needs and food preferences
• A comprehensive recipe database
• Interactive food and exercise logs. Enter what you’ve eaten and how much you’ve exercised, and we’ll give you feedback on how you’re doing.
• Support from thousands of members who can offer advice and companionship
• Help from a team of dietitians and exercise experts who will personally answer all your questions

El mercado del hambre

Los juegos especulativos del mercado financiero afectan a la producción mundial de alimentos, desequilibrando la cadena de alimentación.

Speculators Worsening World Food Crisis?
Hedge fund manager John Paulson was recently celebrated for achieving a record annual profit of $3.7 billion (€2.3 billion). Those who work in this environment have only one rule: Don't disappoint profit-hungry investors.

"I'm constantly wired," Anderson used to say, back when he talked to journalists. His nickname in the industry is the "Commodities King," and his Ospraie hedge fund is the world's largest. These days, though, Anderson avoids the media. He's even kept his face out of the media by buying up rights to all photos of himself on the market. His spokesman is now paid, mainly, to say nothing.

A Broken Market?

There are plenty of questions to ask Anderson, though—in particular about the role of international investors in the current spike in the price of staple food. Not only is there talk that investors have profited from desperate hunger in Honduras, the Philippines and Bangladesh; critics also wonder if commodity speculators are making the crisis worse.

HOW TO: Euribor oficial

Euribor Enero 2008 - Euribor
Como nos contaba nuestro lector “fonta” una forma fácil de buscar si ha sido publicado en el boe el euribor de un mes que nos interesa se puede hacer de la siguiente forma:

* Accedemos a la pagina del boe http://www.boe.es
* A mitad de página y mas o menos centrado aparece una opción que dice “Buscar en el texto”, pulsamos.
* En el campo que nos sale en blanco ponemos lo siguiente “Banco de España 5/1994 euribor” y pulsamos buscar.
* Nos saldran todas las resoluciones del banco de españa publicadas hasta el momento . Ahora mismo la última es de fecha 22/01/08 y hace referencia evidentemente a diciembre de 2007.


Cálculo del euribor de la hipoteca

Revision de Hipoteca: ¿Como afecta el euribor?
¿Cual es el mes de la revisión?¿Que euribor me afecta a la revisión?
Hay que ver en la escritura cuál es la fecha y la periocidad de revisión del tipo de interés variable. Si no viene explícita, ver la fecha de firma.

Hay que ver sin en las condiciones de la revisión sea al mes anterior a la fecha de revisión o x meses antes. Normalmente es al mes anterior.

El euribor se considera difundido oficialmente el día de su publicación en el BOE, aunque haya sido divulgado en páginas WEBS o en los periódicos con anterioridad. Se suele publicar alrededor del día 20 del siguiente mes.

miércoles, abril 23, 2008

OCU - seguros de vida y vaporetas

Seguros de vida (Dinero y Derechos nº 91) - Newsletter OCU Informa Contenido Global
Coberturas útiles e inútiles

Aparte de la cobertura básica de fallecimiento que, como decíamos antes, debe estar cubierto sea cual sea la causa, algunas pólizas ofrecen garantías adicionales a cambio de un precio.

La más interesante es la de incapacidad permanente absoluta (imposibilidad de desempeñar cualquier trabajo o profesión) por cualquier causa. Si cobra la indemnización por este motivo, sus beneficiarios ya no percibirán un segundo capital cuando ocurra el fallecimiento.

Limpiadores de vapor (OCU-Compra Maestra nº 322) - Newsletter OCU Informa Contenido Global
Armas de limpieza

Las pistolas de vapor sirven para quitar manchas y limpiar cristales; y pueden encontrarse desde 30 euros. Las vaporetas son mucho más potentes y completas (valen incluso como plancha), pero también son mucho más caras: a partir de 479 euros.

Restaurantes chinos de chinos

En esta ocasión me centraré en mi querido "triángulo de los chinos" conocido por concentrar en pocos metros una interesante cantidad de estos apreciados y desconocidos restaurantes.
El eje que vertebra todos ellos es la calle San Bernardino, frecuentada
por los amantes de la comida exótica la cual concentra en su
pocos metros una buena representación de los distintos tipos de
comida a nivel internacional.


Aprender Bash como un experto, a base de ejemplos

Improve your Shell Fu | OStatic
One place to turn for more exercises for your command-line muscles is the Shell-fu web site. Here you will find hundreds of one-liners covering the most popular tools, from quickly suspending an SSH session to grepping efficiently for processes to tweaking your command prompt.

HOW TO: Recuperar la contraseña maestra de Firefox

La contraseña de seguridad de Firefox se puede crackear con este programa.

Recover Firefox Master Password with FireMaster Recovery Tool » My Digital Life FireMaster
Security Xploded releases a password recovery tool named FireMaster to recover the Firefox master password. FireMaster is an open source software that able to recover the Firefox master password from the Firefox key database file by generating password on-the-fly using combination of various password guessing (cracking) techniques such as dictionary, hybrid and brute force method, utilizing the same password matching and verification algorithm used by Firefox itself described above, but in an optimized way. FireMaster calculates the hash of the generated password and uses the hash to decrypt the known encrypted string for the password, until it get one that matched the known string, which is the correct master password.

Jerome Bruner, investigador educativo

Teoría del psicólogo educativo que trabaja en el OLPC. Página de Wikipedia. Describe 3 modalidades de aprendizaje y pensamiento: visual, basado en acciones y simbólico.


In his research on the development of children (1966), Bruner proposed three modes of representation: enactive representation (action-based), iconic representation (image-based), and symbolic representation (language-based).
Rather than neatly delineated stages, the modes of representation are
integrated and only loosely sequential as they "translate" into each
other. Symbolic representation remains the ultimate mode, for it "is
clearly the most mysterious of the three." Bruner's theory suggests it
is efficacious when faced with new material to follow a progression
from enactive to iconic to symbolic representation; this holds true
even for adult learners.

martes, abril 22, 2008

6 ways to improve user retention of help content

Consejos para escribir la ayuda técnica de programas

6 ways to improve user retention of help content

Product help isn't the most exciting stuff to read. Also, there
isn't much incentive for users to commit most of it to memory. Often
users are just digging through the help to find an easy way out when
they are stuck; they don't want to become power users.

Despite the lack of user interest in committing your help to memory,
there are changes you can make so that your help is easier to absorb.
By making these changes, users comprehension will increase, and fewer
users will find themselves nodding off while reading through a help
topic for the tenth time.

Sequentially: Adverbs for JavaScript

Librería de Javascript para temporización y programación concurrente


is a library of temporal and frequency adverbs for JavaScript. It provides methods to queue a function for deferred or periodic execution, and to throttle the rate or number of times that a function can be called. You could think of it as a kind of memoization, where instead of caching the result it modifies when and whether a function is called.

Hogar de los webcomics completados

Archivo de comics web cuya historia ha llegado hasta el final.

Full Story
This site is designed specifically for the reader of webcomics who appreciates the pleasure of reading a complete story at their own pace, rather than having to wait for pages to be doled out according to an arbitrary serialization schedule. Every story on this site has an ending: no cliffhangers, no incomplete works abandoned halfway through, no ongoing serials without an end in sight. If the full story isn't available, then you won't find it on this site.

lunes, abril 21, 2008

HOW TO: ordenar los cables de la mesa del ordenador

Howto: defender tu nombre de dominio de un robo por una gran empresa

ciber okupas (skuatter)

[Derechos] ¿Cómo defender (sin abogado) un nombre de dominio ante una gran empresa? « A la sombra del árbol rojo

1. Tenga presente que el primer solicitante (o sea, nuestro
“héroe”) tiene un derecho preferente por haber
inscrito el dominio primero y que, en cualquier caso, NO PAGA los
costos del juicio arbitral correspondiente y que, además, puede
actuar personalmente en el mismo, esto es, sin necesidad de abogado.

2. Nuestro “héroe” NUNCA debe intentar vender el
nombre de dominio, salvo que previamente y por escrito le hagan un
ofrecimiento (una trampa usual a la que pueden arrastrarlo será
el simular interés en comprar, pedirle telefónicamente al
primer solicitante que haga una oferta y luego llevarle la oferta al
juez árbitro para acusarle de especulación y mala fe).

3. NUNCA deje sin construir el sitio que está
“peleando”, pues el juez-árbitro examina si
efectivamente ud. usa el dominio.

Si el juicio efectivamente llega a producirse ¿Sabe que argumentará la empresa?.

Que nuestro “héroe” es vil y malvado y que
pretende aprovecharse del bueno nombre, el prestigio y fama que tanto
le ha costado formarse y que, además, tiene registros marcarios
que la protegen, la amparan y le dan privilegios por sobre toda la
humanidad. Usualmente terminan diciendo que todo el mundo, que digo, el
universo entero, conoce a dicha empresa o la asocia con la
expresión, por ejemplo, “lindocristal”.

¿Y qué debe alegar nuestro “héroe”?.

Que llegó primero y explicará que el uso que hace del sitio es legítimo.

Si además está muy picado, averigüe si
su contrincante tiene otros nombres de dominio parecidos al que quiere
disputarle y que no utilice, y acúselos entonces de
inscripción abusiva de nombres de dominio, una mala
práctica conocida internacionalmente como reverse domain hijacking. Vamos, pero esto es una exquisitez, pues lo anterior basta.

System Shock 2: videojuego de la era dorada

SShock2.com -- Information Data.Node -- A Digital Nightfall / TTLG Production
Welcome to SShock.com's SS2:\ Info Data.Node Pre-Release Infomation center. This center is designed for people who have not yet played System Shock 2, and wish to get an idea of what the game will be like. If offerse a nearly complete collection of pre-release info, which basiclly means that everything in here has been deemed by the developers as "okay" to know before you start playing. There are no spoilers in here! Read to dive in? Select your choice from the menu below! Note that the information here is presented in no particular order, so you may browse and skim as you see fit. Enjoy your stay!

Tarjetas de memoria para la N800, cómo sacarlas y cuál comprar

The maximum capacity of compatible SDHC cards is 8 gigabytes, the
maximum capacity of the other types of compatible card is 2 gigabytes.

using SDHC 8 gig cards in both card slots, you can have a maximum
storage space of 16 gigabytes. This is enough for about 4000 to 8000
music tracks, or absolutely anything else you want to store such as
photos, videos, text, applications, games etc.

How to get the memory card out of the N800's external card slot

surprising number of people think that their memory card is stuck in
the card slot under the N800's stand. The card isn't stuck though, the
slot just isn't spring-loaded so the card doesn't pop out automatically.

get the card out, open the slot's door and put your fingernail or
thumbnail against the slot, perpendicular to the card. Press your nail
down onto the card, and you should feel a ridge that makes it easier to
pull the card out. Pull the card towards you with your nail, and it
should come out very easily.

Pruebas de velocidad

Test: time dd if=/dev/mmcblk? of=/dev/null bs=8192 count=30000
Speed in bytes => 8192*30000/time
Speed in Mbytes => 8192*30000/time/1024/1024

Card Clock Width Time Speed Slot
1GB SanDisk RS-MMC 20Mhz 1-bits 107.29 2.18MB/s External
4GB SanDisk SDHC C2 25Mhz 4-bits 31.41 7.46MB/s External
4GB Transcend SDHC C2 48Mhz 4-bits 25.72 9.11MB/s Internal
8GB Transcend SDHC C2 48Mhz 4-bits 19.54 11.99MB/s Internal

sábado, abril 19, 2008

Interactive fiction - compilador natural

comentarios de slashdot /. Incluye enlaces al IF Archive, y al nuevo lenguaje de programación de Infocom Inform 7, programable en lenguaje natural (casi).

Lost Infocom Games Discovered The IF Archive [ifarchive.org] has an extensive collection of these games, and there are several [tads.org] review [wurb.com] sites [ifreviews.org] that attempt to catalog and organize the archive. The IF community has long had rec.arts.int-fiction [google.com] and rec.games.int-fiction [google.com] at their center, though with the rise of blogs and web forums it has started to fragment some. This is fascinating not just for Infocom fans, but also for programmers. For example:
Deathbot Assembly Line is a room. "Here is the heart of the whole
operation, where your opponents are assembled fresh from scrap metal
and bits of old car." The dangerous robot is a thing in the Assembly
Line. "One dangerous robot looks ready to take you on!" A robotic head,
a drill arm, a needle arm, a crushing leg and a kicking leg are parts
of the dangerous robot.

That's source code.
Inform 7 has been out for a couple years, and I've been working
intimately with it for most of that time, but I'm still impressed.

Eventyr: Hackday Dojo

- Uso del entorno Inform 7 para crear un juego "interactivo" que recibe notificación de eventos desde sensores en el mundo real
Using the 5 minutes before we started to get an idea for the resources available we came up with the idea for generating a real-world interactive game using Inform 7 and the many different sensors that had been brought by Thom Hopper.

viernes, abril 18, 2008

Generador de imágenes colaborativas

Arte evolutivo

Evolve new variations on other users' images.
Try clicking these!
Evolve sea creature

Create a whole new kind of image.

Evolve new variations on other users'

Try clicking these!


sea creature

Create a whole new kind of image.

Tutoriales de márketing

Managing Customers Tutorial From KnowThis.com

In the What is Marketing? Tutorial we noted that marketers make decisions which result in value to both the marketer and its customers. Throughout the Principles of Marketing Tutorials
we emphasize the importance customers play in helping marketers meet
their business objectives. To drive home this point, in the Managing Customers Tutorial,
we concentrate our discussion on understanding customers and examining
their role in the marketing process. We will see that for most
organizations understanding customers is necessary not only because of
their effect on marketing decisions but because customers’
activities influence the entire organization.

jueves, abril 17, 2008

Calidad de servicio en el internet casero

Cómo configurar el router (marca Tomato) para obtener una QoS priorizando los servicios importantes

TOMATO QOS How To Please... - LinksysInfo - Community Forums for Linksys Devices

I have been using the Hyperwrt Thibor 15c for a long time with no
problems, so now I have been attempting to setup Tomato correctly for
my new needs. My order of prioritization is as follows:


2. Browsing

3. Torrents

I would like to have my torrents as fast as possible all the time until
I need to use the phone and have Tomato ( QOS ) kick down the torrents
to low priority etc. Also would like Tomato to do this to the torrents
when I need to browse the net.

Please can you help give suggests on what to setup and how?

Darse de baja de los anuncios

Cookies para darse de baja del seguimiento personalizado, en las dos mayores redes de anuncios en internet

Consumer Groups Advocate for 'Do Not Track' Registry
They have a "opt-out" cookie value.

http://www.doubleclick.com/privacy/dart_adserving.aspx [doubleclick.com]

The catch being that if you do clear your cookies, you'll have to re-set the opt out cookie as well.

If you care, here's the URL to opt-out of the other big ad network:

http://www.atlassolutions.com/optout.aspx [atlassolutions.com]

I don't have all of them, but Doubleclick and Atlas cover something like 75-80% of the market.

miércoles, abril 16, 2008

KDE en el N800

Cómo instalar el escritorio KDE en el internet tablet de Nokia

Running KDE on the Nokia N770 and N800
An intrepid Internet Tablet Talk forum member with the handle "Penguinbait" has provided instructions
explaining how to install KDE 3.5.6 on the Nokia 770 and N800 web
tablet devices. Not for the faint of heart, the instructions require a
bit of command-line work.

Mamá 2.0: castiga a su hijo donde más e-duele

Madre castiga a su hijo: vende su XBOX, sin porno y foto de Snoopy en MySpace (ING)
Un chaval de 13 años de Virginia ha "toreado" a su madre por última vez. Cuando le dijo que hiciera sus tareas en lugar de jugar a la Xbox 360, se fue y rompió a posta la aspiradora. ¿Qué hace la madre? Bueno, ha puesto a la venta la Xbox y todos sus juegos en eBay. Y eso fue antes de descubrir por las "cookies" que navegaba por sitios porno. Le ha puesto una contraseña y bloqueó su MySpace con una imagen de Snoopy. "Soy madre soltera. No puedo dejar que pase por encima mio o ya no podré levantarme".

Recomendaciones de salud para viajar al extranjero

vacunación, etc.

Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo - Profesionales - La salud también viaja - Consejos para el viajero

Durante el viaje

Cuidado con lo que come. La diarrea es la enfermedad más frecuente en los
viajes internacionales.

La mejor forma de protegerse es seleccionar y preparar con cuidado los
alimentos y bebidas. Desgraciadamente un buen aspecto no garantiza que un
alimento sea seguro ya que a pesar de tener una apariencia apetitosa puede
estar contaminado.

No ingerir verduras crudas. Especial atención a las ensaladas. Las hortalizas
que se vayan a consumir en fresco se mantendrán media hora en agua tratada con
hipoclorito sódico (lejía apta para el consumo humano, sin detergente ni
perfumada) a razón de una o dos gotas por litro de agua (cuidados con el agua).

Las carnes y pescados deben consumirse suficientemente cocinados. No ingerir
moluscos crudos (almejas, chirlas, berberechos, coquinas,etc.).

Se recomienda consumir sólo fruta pelada, o bien, lavada con agua apta para el
consumo humano y unas gotas de lejía.

Hay que prestar especial atención a la repostería y los helados por su fácil

No deben consumirse leche ni sus derivados sin higienizar.


martes, abril 15, 2008

Motor diferencial de Charles Babbage

con piezas de Mecano. Videos demostrativos

Robinson's Difference Engine #1
Difference Engine DetailDifference Engine Detail

Continous integration: metodología de versionado de código

Control de versiones, bien hecho

BzrVsGit - Bazaar Version Control

Continuous Integration (CI) is a best practice
adopted by many open source projects and commercial teams using
Agile/Lean development methodologies like XP and SCRUM. The objective
is always having a shippable code base by early detection and
correction of when things break. Here are the core CI practices as
given by chapter 2 of Paul Duvall's book:

  • commit code frequently - commit centrally at least once per day
  • don't commit broken code
  • fix broken builds immediately
  • write automated developer tests
  • all tests and inspections must pass
  • run private builds
  • avoid getting broken code.

A better workflow for achieving this is called Decentralized with automated gatekeeper as explained in http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows.

Git vs Bazaar - control de versiones GPL

Comparación de herramientas de control de versiones en software libre. Git es el sistema de Linus Torvalds. En la página de Wikipedia, hay una comparación de muchos sistemas. En el segundo, comparativa entre los dos sistemas mencionados. En el último, cómo usar sistemas distribuidos.

Comparison of revision control software - Wikipedia
The following tables compare general and technical information for notable revision control and software configuration management (SCM) software. This article is not all-inclusive and may become out of date quickly.

BzrVsGit - Bazaar Version Control
This is not intended to be an unbiased comparison, but
a list of some of the reasons for selecting Bazaar over Git, as seen
through the eyes of Bazaar developers and users. YMMV. Git is a great
tool, but different in design in many ways to Bazaar.

Distributed revision control - Wikipedia
Distributed revision control (or Distributed Version Control (Systems) (DVCS), or Decentralized Version Control) is a fairly recent innovation in software revision control. It provides some significant advantages over the more traditional centralized approach to revision control, and it has some defining characteristics that separate it from centralized systems. However, the line between distributed and centralized systems is graying in some regards, especially since DVCSs can be used in a "centralized mode".

Future of SVN

A few months ago I switched to git. Git seems like the winner - it's fast, modular, and many people are hacking on it and have written many cool tools (most of which are "built-in" git "commands.") However, its Windows support lags behind the other front-runner Mercurial. Darcs is mostly used by Haskell hackers, Monotone never seemed to really take off, and Codeville has died on the vine.

lunes, abril 14, 2008

Noticias de derechas o de izquierdas, automáticas

Este agregador de noticias las clasifica según su sesgo político. Proyecto de investigación de Microsoft research

The Blews Visualization

Our current
visualization shows the count of liberal inlinks to a news article as a
blue "wing" on the left, and the number of conservative inlinks as a
red "wing" on the right. The emotional charge of the discussion around
the news link is shown as a "heat indicator" on the outside of the
wings. Emotional charge ranges from a single orange square to four
white-hot squares. Clicking on the wings produces a dropdown of the
individual blog posts linking to the news article. In the dropdown,
emotionally charged posts have a fuzzy border, while emotionally
neutral posts have a solid border.

Comparativa de precios oferats ADSL en España

Comparativa ADSL y cable más económico - BandaAncha.st
* La conexión sea ilimitada en tráfico y horario. No importa si se limitan otros aspectos, como el tráfico p2p o la velocidad a partir de determinada transferencia.
* Si es un combinado, solo puede añadirse si no se oferta la conexión a internet por separado o en el caso de hacerlo, su precio es el mismo o superior.

domingo, abril 13, 2008

A que hora hay que comprar los billetes de avion

Indica la tendencia del precio de billetes de avion, a la alta o a la baja

The best time to buy

Did you know that airlines change their fare schedule three times a day? Or that cars are more likely to be a bargain at the end of the month?
Airlines file updates to their fares three times a day: 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. weekdays, with one filing –- at 5 p.m. -- on Saturday and Sunday. (All times are ET.) "Most of the lowest fares are filed Tuesdays, Wednesdays and sometimes Saturdays. It depends on the carrier and the market," Bainton says.

viernes, abril 11, 2008

Juegos para n800

Interactive fiction
Arnim's Ports for Nokia
Game Engines / Remakes

GemRB - Baldurs Gate

Frotz Infocom Interpreter

FreeSCI Sierra Interpreter

Roomba barata por internet en españa

Por 279€, iva y envio incluidos

Roomba Roomba 530

Caracteristícas - Robot Roomba 530:

- Capacidad de limpieza de bordes: sigue las paredes y llega hasta los rincones para eliminar el polvo, la suciedad y los residuos
- Detecta la suciedad: detecta las áreas mas sucia y limpia más a fondo en esos lugares
- Sistema anti-enredos: no se atasca con los cables, flecos no bordes de las alfombras
- Funcionamento sencillo: tan sólo presione el botón "clean" y Roomba hace el resto
- Una aspiradora potente: dos cepillo contra rotantes y un sistema de aspiracion hacen que llegue hasta lo más profundo de las alfombras para eliminar la suciedad
- Inteligencia Robótica: limpia perfectamente todo el piso,debajo y alrededor de los muebles, y a lo largo de las paredes
- Cabezal de limpieza: se ajusta automáticamente para limpiar alfombras y suelos
- Evita las escaleras: detecta y evita automaticamente las escaleras y demás desniveles
- Navegación inteligente: la pared virtual incluida permite dividir espacios grandes para optimizar la limpieza
- Siempre lista para usarse: Roomba es capaz de acudir a la base de carga para recargarse de forma automática
- Robot Roomba 560 incluye: 1 batería, 1 base de carga automática, 1 filtro, 2 pared virtual

Distro Linux para usuarios finales

Distribuida con el ordenador compacto de sobremesa KPC

The GNOME Journal: An Introduction To Foresight Desktop Linux

Shuttle KPC

An Introduction To Foresight Desktop Linux

a new distribution? There is a real need for a desktop Linux distro
that is easy to manage for new users, well integrated, modern, and
still appealing to power users. Foresight strives to fill that need.
Foresight is not just another Debian or Fedora distro, instead it is
something truly innovative. Foresight is still in a beta stage, but is
rapidly growing and stabilizing. Built on the Conary package management
system, Foresight has a bright future. Foresight focuses heavily on
usability and integration, therefore the latest GNOME release is always
the standard desktop.

What is Different

major difference is Mono; Foresight ships Mono as well as quite a few
Mono applications by default. The Beagle desktop indexing tool, which
is rather tough to get to work well on other distros, works right out
of the box on Foresight. This is just an example of the innovative
applications that have been included.

Conary takes the
headaches out of software maintenance. Conary is the brain child of the
guys at rpath, which is mostly made up of former Red Hat veterans. One
major problem solved by Conary is package upgrades. Conary always
upgrades from the repository it was installed from, not the one with
the version that appears to be the newest. This adds a tremendous level
of stability. Conary also enforces some package naming and version
rules. For more information, take a look at http://wiki.rpath.com.
Conary is an exciting new opportunity for Linux and package
installation both for users at home and for large deployments of
computers in an office setting.

Ease the Pain for Switchers

Foresight default interface is quite simple and easy for the new user
to get acquainted with. Featured is a mostly standard GNOME desktop,
with some beautification. The Foresight team includes extremely
talented graphic designers/artists with plans to make the desktop look
its best while still maintaining the utmost in usability.

also includes a new tool for systems management, Oversite. Oversite
keeps your system up to date all of the time. In the future, Oversite
will provide a web interface to manage your desktop and make it trivial
to install any new application.













jueves, abril 10, 2008

Herramientas para crear imágenes estilo web 2.0

Generadores de botones, fondos, esquinas redondeadas...

25 Web 2.0 Generators | WebTecker the latest Web Tech, Resources and News.

The majority of these tools are generators that create all sorts of useful graphics. These tools range from Background generators to a rounded corner generators. Below is the list of Web 2.0 Generators.

miércoles, abril 09, 2008

N800 custom packages - GuardianiUS

N800 custom packages - GuardianiUS

Things I packaged personally (but didn't write)

Things other people packaged and wrote, but aren't commonly available on maemo.org

Acceder al root del Nokia

2 Blocks away: » Customizing the Nokia N800 (and 770) or how to configure the device for your purposes
This is the complete guide to making a custom package that will install on the N800 (the instructions for the 770 are in ITALIC), and reconfigure the device to match your company’s image.Nokia N800

La cara B de las mejores aplicaciones libres para Windows

Recopilaciones de 21 y 100 aplicaciones estupendas de software libre, más allá de las super-conocidas. GPL Software.

Mis 100 aplicaciones imprescindibles para Ubuntu | Alejandrox
Blog personal de Alejandro Meroño Hernández
Mis 100 aplicaciones imprescindibles para Ubuntu

21 Awesome (But Lesser-Known) Open-Source Applications for Windows | Tech Tips For Us
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock in Madagascar for the last few years, you undoubtedly already know about the All-Star open-source applications for Windows. I’m talking about applications such as Firefox, Thunderbird, GIMP, OpenOffice, and VLC.

However, there are hundreds of lesser-known but highly-useful open-source applications available for Windows. A few of my favorites are below.gnucash-logo.pnglaunchy-docu.pngbonkenc-logo.pngpeazip-logo.pngnotepadplus.gifhandbrake_logo.jpgkeepass-logo.gifpdfcreator-logo.pngzscreen.jpg

Pylons: framework para aplicaciones web en Python

Concepts of Pylons - Pylons Cookbook - PythonWeb
Welcome to Pylons. You probably arrived here because you want to write a web-based application and are now looking for an easy way to do that. Perhaps you have even written CGI scripts or web applications in PHP.

Well, Pylons is a web framework which works a bit differently from what you may be used to. If you have used other frameworks such as Django, Turbogears or Ruby-on-Rails you will feel right at home though. This introduction aims to show you what Pylons offers and how developing with Pylons feels.

2 solvers de restricciones en Python

El de Gustavo Niemeyer:

python-constraint - Labix
python-constraint is a Python module offering solvers for Constraint Solving Problems (CSPs) over finite domains in simple and pure Python. CSP is class of problems which may be represented in terms of variables (a, b, ...), domains (a in [1, 2, 3], ...), and constraints (a < b, ...).

El de Logilab:

logilab-constraint (a constraint satisfaction problem solver written in 100% pure Python) (elo)
The constraint package is a constraint satisfaction problem solver written in 100% pure Python. The implementation uses constraint propagation algorithms. Constraints and Domain implementations are provided to work with finite domains and finite intervals. It should be fairly easy to add new kind of domains such as finite integer domains, together with specialized constraints.

Google publica un API de cloud computing ,para crear aplicaciones online masivas

El motor perfecto (y en Python) para construir el planificador de recetas "qué comemos hoy?" en el que llevo tiempo pensando.

Combinado con python-constraint, el solver escrito en python puro, no tengo que crear nada de infraestructura - sólo la lógica del problema que quiero resolver.

What Is Google App Engine? - Google App Engine - Google Code

Google App Engine makes it easy to build an application that runs
reliably, even under heavy load and with large amounts of data. The
environment includes the following features:

  • dynamic web serving, with full support for common web technologies
  • persistent storage with queries, sorting and transactions
  • automatic scaling and load balancing
  • APIs for authenticating users and sending email using Google Accounts
  • a fully featured local development environment that simulates Google App Engine on your computer

Google App Engine applications are implemented using the Python programming language. The runtime environment includes the full Python language and most of the Python standard library.

Although Python is currently the only language supported by Google
App Engine, we look forward to supporting more languages in the future.

python-constraint - Labix

python-constraint is a Python module offering solvers for Constraint Solving Problems (CSPs) over finite domains in simple and pure Python. CSP is class of problems which may be represented in terms of variables (a, b, ...), domains (a in [1, 2, 3], ...), and constraints (a <>, ...).

Mario Bros en 14kb de Javascript

Mario Bros en 14kb de Javascript
Un impresionante trabajo se ha hecho realizando este Mario en 14 kb de Javascripts… Ver para creer.

Videos y USB para la Nokia n800

Media player alternativo, y aplicación para que alternar el hotplug del USB entre modos USB Host and USB OTG para que funcione como "receptor" de dispositivos USB (p.e. para descargar fotos de la cámara)

Thoughts: UKMP USB A Female / A Female Adaptor / Coupler
I thought that this is worth a full hour of my time. So, today I put together a new application that you can use to switch the device (N800 or N810) between USB Host and USB OTG modes. All you need, is an USB Female-Female adaptor like this:

Convertidor compresor de video

Encoder ripper de vídeo, para comprimir y pasar películas al nokia n800

Thoughts: Media Converter 1.42 update
After some feedback from folks and good tips, I updated the resolution settings for media converter just a little bit.

640x384 resolution is now set to 13 fps. It's a bit low, I know, but it doesn't drop frames. If you want to, just edit the resolutions txt and change the rate to 14 or 15.

I added a new resolution of 480x288. It's splendid looking and runs at 18 fps without frame drops. Thus, it's a very nice balance between good looking video and smooth playback.

martes, abril 08, 2008

Compras online: cómo investigar al vendedor

How To: How To Research An Unknown Online Retailer
  • Do they have a toll free customer service number and published hours of operation?
  • Do they take credit cards? It is no guarantee of quality if they
    do, but it is one step up. I think you should generally avoid any place
    that only takes Western Union money transfers.
  • Do they have a security/hacker prevention or testing certificate?
  • Does the checkout process use an encrypted HTTPS page?
  • Are the company Privacy and About pages blank, or do they look like
    they are from a default template for an online shopping cart that was
    just set up the day before?
  • Search Google for the store name and words like "scam" and
    "customer service." It is not a good thing if all the entries are for
    people asking if a site is a scam in Yahoo Answers.

Impresora 3D de código libre

y autoreplicante!

Computerworld &gt; Open source 3D printer copies itself
Based in the Waitakeres, in West Auckland, software developer and artist Vik Olliver is part of a team developing an open-source, self-copying 3D printer. The RepRap (Replicating Rapid-prototyper) printer can replicate and update itself. It can print its own parts, including updates, says Olliver, who is one of the core members of the RepRap team.

lunes, abril 07, 2008

Por qué no nos gusta el Messenger

Pensamientos de un introvertido acerca de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación instantánea.

TidBITS Opinion: Instant Messaging for Introverts
From time to time, someone I know asks me an ordinary and reasonable question: "What's your iChat (or Skype) ID?" My usual reply is to give them the information along with a big disclaimer: I'm almost never logged in. In fact, let me be completely honest and say I thoroughly dislike instant messaging (IM) except in a few specific situations. For months, I've been thinking about why this is - both the technological and psychological aspects - along with whether it somehow exposes a fundamental character flaw, and whether it's something I should attempt to change. Having experimented with a variety of approaches to instant messaging (as well as its close relative Twitter) and having done a considerable amount of introspection, I'm inclined to think that my personality type is fundamentally ill-suited to instant messaging.

domingo, abril 06, 2008

Meta-extensiones de Firefox

Extensiones para empaquetar extensiones

Firefox extension backup extension
Latest: Ver 5.3.1
Firefox Environment Backup Extension.

Firefox extension backup extension