Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

jueves, abril 17, 2008

Darse de baja de los anuncios

Cookies para darse de baja del seguimiento personalizado, en las dos mayores redes de anuncios en internet

Consumer Groups Advocate for 'Do Not Track' Registry
They have a "opt-out" cookie value.

http://www.doubleclick.com/privacy/dart_adserving.aspx [doubleclick.com]

The catch being that if you do clear your cookies, you'll have to re-set the opt out cookie as well.

If you care, here's the URL to opt-out of the other big ad network:

http://www.atlassolutions.com/optout.aspx [atlassolutions.com]

I don't have all of them, but Doubleclick and Atlas cover something like 75-80% of the market.

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