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viernes, septiembre 07, 2007

Open Text Summarizer: resúmenes automáticos

La nueva versión 0.50 de abril 2007, tiene una interfaz de "investigación" que agrupa artículos por tema similar.

Debian Package of the Day » Blog Archive » OTS: Command line text auto-summary

As a library, libots can also be used by other programs. There is a list on the project home page of three applications that provide summarising through OTS:

  1. There was a plug-in in the development version of AbiWord
    at the time the OTS site was written. That “development
    version” is fairly ancient and it is a fully integrated part of
    the version available in current Debian or Ubuntu systems. Abiword
    itself is a great lightweight alternative to OpenOffice Writer.
    It’s also the default word processor for Xubuntu, and part of the
    xubuntu-desktop package. If you’re not running Xubuntu, you can
    install it with the package name abiword. (There are also development and plug-in packages for Abiword.)
  2. The second application to use OTS is Gnome-Summarizer, a GUI by the
    author himself. It appears from the screenshot to display the output
    HTML file and keywords. Even more exciting-looking than this is the
    “Researcher’s Tool” demonstrated in the screencast of the next version.
  3. The third program listed is a gedit plug-in by Daniel Brodie.

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