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jueves, septiembre 27, 2007

Información de procesos del sistema

Sitio que recopila información de qué son los procesos más corrientes o más molestos del sistema

vsmon.exe - vsmon - Process Information
vsmon.exe - vsmon - Process Information

Process File: vsmon.exe or vsmon
Process Name: ZoneLabs True Vector Internet Monitor

Click to Run a Free Scan for vsmon.exe Related Errors

Windows errors related to vsmon.exe ?
vsmon.exe is a process associated with the ZoneAlarm firewall. It is used to monitor Internet traffic and generate alerts depending on the security rules configured by the user. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. Check that vsmon.exe is stable on your computer.

Recommendation for vsmon.exe:
vsmon.exe is not a critical component.
It is highly recommended to Run a Free Performance Scan to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet settings.

Determining whether vsmon.exe is a virus or a legitimate Windows process depends on the directory location it executes or runs from. Click to Scan your PC including vsmon.exe to Detect any Security Threat.

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