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martes, agosto 28, 2007

Recetas de cocina como software

Hace tiempo descubrí un sitio de cocina que almacenaba las recetas en un curioso (y práctico) formato, indicando todas las tareas que se pueden realizar simultáneamente - para que puedas planificar de un vistazo en qué orden cocinarlo todo. Le perdí la pista, pero he vuelto a localizar la página que anoto aquí para referencia:

Cooking For Engineers - About Cooking For Engineers
About the name: Cooking For Engineers
Michael selected the name "Cooking For Engineers" on a whim. He has no idea if it means "To cook for the purposes of providing engineers with food" or "To instruct engineers in the science and art of cooking". He likes the ambiguity, and other people seem to find the name intriguing and even interesting. He regrets that the name can be misread (when in a rush) to be "Cooking Foreigners".

Sauteed Okra with Roasted Red Peppers

by Michael Chu
Sauteed Okra with Roasted Red Peppers (serves two)

1 Tbs. oilheatbrownsautesaute
1/2 jalapeno chileslice
1 shallotmince
1 lb. okra
2 red bell peppersroastpeelcut into strips
2 cloves garlic, minced
Copyright Michael Chu 2004

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