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miércoles, enero 09, 2008

HOWTO: crear un plan de negocio para una start-up

No debe ser un detallado resumen de estadísticas ficticias, sino el resultado de un estudio de campo preliminar de tus ideas innovadoras.

Before You Write a Business Plan
A startup business plan is always a good piece of fiction filled with great ideas. No one really believes what he reads in them. What venture capitalists look for before they make an investment is a proven product with strong market demand and an experienced management team. And angel investors usually invest in vision and enthusiasm.

Countdown to Product Launch (Part II)
A business model is the nuts and bolts of how a business generates revenue and profits. When preparing a business model, there are seven basics you should consider:

1. Reaching customers. How are you going to find customers or have them find you?
2. Differentiating your product. What makes you better than everyone else?
3. Pricing. What can you charge that will bring profit to you and value to the customer?
4. Selling. Learn to sell for survival and develop a sales process.
5. Distribution strategy. How will you deliver the goods?
6. Support. What does the customer do if your product breaks?
7. Customer satisfaction. How are you going to turn customers into loyal fans?

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