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viernes, enero 11, 2008

Por qué el canon digital mata la cultura

Este argumento explica que el canon sobre los dispositivos digitales para pagar a los creadores de música sólo sirve para que las grandes industrias hagan lo posible para matar la innovación.

The Music Industry’s Last Stand Will Be A Music Tax
Music industry revenues will be a set size, regardless of the quality or type of music they release. Incentives to innovate will evaporate. There will only be competition for market share, with no attempt to build the size of market or serve less-popular niches. Forget labels building new brands and encouraging early artists to succeed - they’ll bleed existing big names for all they are worth and work hard to keep anything new - labels, artists, and songwriters - out of the market. New entrants just means more competition for a static amount of money. Collusion by existing players will run rampant.

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