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jueves, enero 03, 2008

Modelo de comunicación que representa malentendidos

Pequeño modelo sobre la comunicación, sirve para aclarar malentendidos entre personas con trasfondos culturales o políticos opuestos.

InfoQ: Don't Let Miscommunication Spiral Out Of Control
Well, I can't ask Virginia Satir [1],
but I've learned one of her communications models that serves me well.
I've never read her original work, so what I know is the simplified,
second-hand version. Even so, it works for me, and it could work for

In this model, there are four fundamental steps to going from
stimulus to response: intake, meaning, significance, then response. Now
we all know that all models are simplifications, and therefore
incomplete; but this model is complete enough to do wonders. When I see
communication go wrong, Virginia's model usually helps get it back on
the rails.

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