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martes, enero 22, 2008

Cómo convencer a tu jefe para permitirte el teletrabajo

Convince Your Boss to Let you Work from Home at Productivity501

Determine the Business Reason You Should Be Allowed to Work From Home


This is where I see most people fail. Here are some of the things

employees are likely to say and what their boss is going to actually


  • I’ll be able to spend more time with my kids. Boss hears: I’ll

    spend half of my time babysitting instead of working. Clients will

    hear screaming babies in the back ground when they call me.
  • I won’t have to deal with the long commute and traffic. Boss hears: I’ll
    spend my first 45 minutes of work waking up and eating breakfast.
    I’m looking forward to working all day in my pajamas.

Notice that each of these items focus on the advantages for the

employee. No matter how nice, your boss doesn’t really care if working

from home would be convenient for you. You are working for money–not

for your convenience. If you want your boss to get on board, you need

to address issues that your boss is actually concerned about. Here are

a couple things that might concern your boss:

  1. Lack of offices and cubicles for new hires.
  2. Increasing employee productivity.
  3. Attracting and retaining valuable employees.
  4. Increasing billable hours.
  5. Being environmentally friendly.
  6. Expense of employee parking.

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