Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

martes, enero 08, 2008

Buscador semántico

Un buscador que funciona estudiando el significado de las palabras en la web, no sólo sus relaciones y estadísticas de frecuencia (como hace Google y los buscadores de su generación).

CompleteSearch PUBLIC DEMOS


(last updated October 2, 2007)

The English Wikipedia (November '07 dump)
about 3,000,000 documents, with category information

The German Wikipedia (June '06 dump)
about 500,000 document

DBLP computer science articles (full text + meta data)
full text + meta data from about 20,000 conference articles listed at DBLP

DBLP computer science articles (meta data only)
meta data of all the 800,000+ articles from DBLP

The local libraries: MPII + CS department
about 35,000 items

Linux man pages (beta)
about 15,000 man pages from a Debian Linux installation (sarge)

PHP documentation (beta)
the official PHP reference from www.phpnet.net

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