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jueves, julio 31, 2008

Joshs Whedon's musical online

El blog-karaoke del Doctor Horrible: Película-Vídeo musical de 40 minutos, por el autor de Firefly, Serenity y Buffy Cazavampiros

Hulu Blog Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Dr. Horrible's sing-Along Blog is the (true) story of Dr. Horrible (wow, really?), a low-rent super-villain trying to get into the Evil League of Evil, defeat his boorish nemesis, Captain Hammer, and win the girl of his dreams, Penny (or at least talk to her.) It was directed by Joss "me" Whedon, and written by... oh let's not get bogged down in the details. Let's ask the tough questions: Why would you ever watch a musical about a super-villain?

20+ Video Tutorials for Open Source Applications

20+ Video Tutorials for Open Source Applications
There are tons of open source applications out there, from operating systems to word processors to graphics programs and more. But, it’s often hard to find manuals or other documentation beyond what the developers have written (which, while technically correct, doesn’t always cover the nuances of actually using the program). Here are more than 20 video tutorials to get you going with four of the most popular open source programs out there: Gimp, Linux, Open Office, and Nvu.

Which tutorials are most helpful for you?

HOWTO: Instalar VirtualBox

virtualización, hypervisor
con video


miércoles, julio 30, 2008

Engage under Ubuntu

Launcher tipo Mac OS X dock para Linux Gnome

Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - Engage under Ubuntu
Is it possible to use engage under Ubuntu ?

If yes, what must i do ?

add this line to apt sources.list:
deb http://j.portalier.free.fr/debian/ testing main

apt-get update && apt-get install engage..........

See this screen...


Improving Linux font rasterization

Fuentes de linux subpixel rendering
Improving Linux font rasterization? « /home/liquidat
Improving Linux font rasterization

Anti-Grain’s suggestions

Maxim Shemanarev from Anti-Grain now looked into the issue and suggested a set of simple but powerful, not patented methods to improve this situation drastically. He outlines the advantages as follows:

  • You can kern symbols with sub-pixel precision, not worrying about introducing extra blurriness.
  • You can freely scale the text as you want, with 100% guarantee of
    preserving a stable text layout that always fits other graphic elements.
  • You can always be sure that the calculated text width exactly corresponds with what you will see on screen and paper.
  • You can apply fancy vector effects such as “faux bold”
    and “faux italic” being sure the text will not look any

Seguridad en tarjetas de crédito

Análisis de los contratos

Seguridad de las tarjetas de crédito (Dinero y Derechos nº 106) - Newsletter OCU Informa Contenido Global
Consejos para evitar problemas

• Firme la tarjeta cuando la reciba.

• No lleve encima el número secreto, y tampoco lo apunte en un sitio accesible. Es mejor que lo memorice, aunque debe evitar fechas muy significativas, como su fecha de nacimiento, números del DNI o de teléfono, etc.

• Sea cuidadoso con extractos de cajeros, recibos de compra y otros documentos donde pueda aparecer el número de su tarjeta. Piense que el número y la fecha de caducidad bastan para hacer una compra por teléfono o Internet.

• Si observa algún dispositivo sospechoso en el cajero, no lo use. Evite abrir la puerta para acceder a cajeros situados en el interior del banco, pues ése es un sitio habitual para colocar grabadores de tarjetas. Si quiere usar esa terminal, intente abrir la puerta con otra tarjeta de banda magnética (tarjeta sanitaria, de un club, etc.).

• Cuando use la tarjeta para pagar una compra o servicio, procure no perderla de vista.

• Plantéese la posibilidad de usar medidas de seguridad adicionales, como el envío de SMS al móvil cada vez que se use su tarjeta.

• Si aun así le roban o duplican la tarjeta, avise a la entidad cuanto antes, y confirme la comunicación por escrito, para que quede constancia. Denúncielo también en comisaría. Pida que le devuelvan el importe defraudado y exija los justificantes de todas las operaciones realizadas con la tarjeta: si los resguardos están sin firmar o si la firma es muy diferente, reclame, el banco está obligado a devolverle todas las cantidades defraudadas, incluso las que no superen el límite de responsabilidad. Si se trata de una compra a distancia (por teléfono o Internet), puede exigir que anulen el cargo, pues el titular no es responsable si el medio de pago no se presentó físicamente.

• A veces las pólizas de seguros de hogar cubren el robo o pérdida de tarjetas: compruébelo.

martes, julio 29, 2008

Portal: la precuela

Niveles adicionales para Portal, basados en el juego Flash

Portal: The Flash Version MapPack for Portal
Based on Portal: The Flash Version, our very own Hen Mazolski brings us all the levels and concepts back to the original Portal version, in this huge mappack!

This time, experience Aperture Science from a different perspective, before the time of the original Portal, as a different test subject.

This mappack includes ALL 40 levels from WCS's Flash version, additional bonus levels and features. All together, we've got here over three and a half hours of amazing gameplay.


Comentario en slashdot: there are better ways to do LaTeX

Modern LaTeX Replacement?
First of all, you have zero chance of finding anything better than LaTeX for mathematical/scientific typesetting. However, there are ways of solving lots of the problems you mention without chucking LaTeX out the window.

Consultoras de informática

Charcuteras al poder

Empresas Asociadas

Condiciones propuestas en el convenio


  • Jornada Máxima Anual a 1.800 horas
  • Vacaciones à 23 días laborables
  • Jornada Intensiva a 1 mes (Agosto). 35 horas semanales con horario continuado


  • 40 Categorías, la mayor parte nuevas, con funciones mejor definidas.
  • 7 Áreas de Actividad (Familias) definiendo las actividades recogidas en cada una de ellas.


  • Definición de Carreras automáticas en cada Familia en función de la experiencia.


  • Salarios mínimos más cercanos a los salarios del mercado.

  • Promoción Salarial asociada a la actualización de Tablas Salariales y a la Promoción automática.

  • Nuevo Complemento de Permanencia de 1.375€ una vez finalizada la Promoción Automática.

  • Liquidación de los Trienios actuales en un nuevo Concepto Personal que formará parte del Salario Mínimo Garantizado.

miércoles, julio 23, 2008

Alert boxes are evil

Presentación de diapositivas ppt online sobre el mal uso del alertbox.

Designing Around Dialogs
Designing around Dialogs Ensuring User Interface Flow
Error Dialogs
An application displays an error dialog when:
 An unexpected situation has occurred
 The user has attempted an invalid action

Assumption: Users are pathological beings who,
given the chance, will enter perversely incorrect
information in order to crash an application

martes, julio 22, 2008

Programación concurrente

Artículos sobre paralelismo (estilo bajo nivel, imperativo).

Effective Concurrency: Super Linearity and the Bigger Machine « Sutter’s Mill
here are links to previous Effective Concurrency columns (based on the dates they hit the web, not the magazine print issue dates):
July 2007 The Pillars of Concurrency
August 2007 How Much Scalability Do You Have or Need?
September 2007 Use Critical Sections (Preferably Locks) to Eliminate Races
October 2007 Apply Critical Sections Consistently
November 2007 Avoid Calling Unknown Code While Inside a Critical Section
December 2007 Use Lock Hierarchies to Avoid Deadlock
January 2008 Break Amdahl’s Law!
February 2008 Going Superlinear
March 2008 Super Linearity and the Bigger Machine

Proyectos de software a precio fijo: mala idea

Dr. Dobb's | Is Fixed-Price Software Development Unethical? | julio 18, 2008
One of the riskiest decisions you can make in software development is to require a "precise" cost and schedule estimate at the beginning of the project. Although there is nothing wrong with fixing just the price, as I wrote in Agile on a Fixed Budget, the situation quickly becomes dysfunctional when you also decide to fix the schedule and the project scope. Although customers often demand to work in this manner, particularly when the system is being built by another organization such as a system integrator (SI), as professionals we must question the ethics of fixed-price IT projects. We know fixed price is a bad idea, our customers inherently know fixed price is a bad idea, and it's high time that as an industry we choose to abandon this highly questionable approach.

lunes, julio 21, 2008

Cómo desactivar el DRM de tu juego (legalmente comprado)

Y evitar bajarse cracks llenos de virus.

Ubisoft Steals 'No-CD Crack' To Fix Rainbow 6: Vegas 2
download mini images (on gamecopyworld.com as "fixed images"). These are disc images for the games, with copy protection intact, that are only a few megabytes large as they only have the crucial bits.

In the very rare cases when Alcohol can't manage a working image, I go to Game Copy World
[gamecopyworld.com] and download the no-CD crack. I don't like doing
that, though, simply because it makes it hard to apply official game

Teoría y práctica de tipos

Types and Programming Languages
"Over the last two decades type theory has emerged as the central, unifying framework for research in programming languages. But these remarkable advances are not as well-known as they should be. The rapid advance of research on type systems for programming languages has far outpaced its dissemination to the rest of the field. No more. Pierce's book not only provides a comprehensive account of types for programming languages, but it does so in an engagingly elegant and concrete style that places equal emphasis on theoretical foundations and the practical problems of programming. This book will be the definitive reference for many years to come."

Libro de Haskell Online, Creative Commons

Haskell reference book, beta

Monads, GUIs...

Real World Haskell
Real World Haskell (beta)
by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen

Programación reactiva en Python

La programación reactiva se basa en flujos de datos que se actualizan cuando se disparan ciertos eventos. Es un modelo que simplifica conceptualmente el diseño de interfaces. Ver también: http://mindnotsoul.blogspot.com/2008/07/guis-modelo-jerrquico-vs-modelo-de.html


Traits :: Enthought, Inc.
The Traits package is at the center of all development we do at Enthought and has changed the mental model we use for programming in the already extremely efficient Python programming language. We encourage everyone to join us in enjoying the productivity gains from using such a powerful approach.

A trait is a type definition that can be used for normal Python object attributes, giving the attributes some additional characteristics:

* Initialization: A trait has a default value, which is automatically set as the initial value of an attribute before its first use in a program.
* Validation: A trait attribute's type is explicitly declared . The type is evident in the code, and only values that meet a programmer-specified set of criteria (i.e., the trait definition) can be assigned to that attribute. Note that the default value need not meet the criteria defined for assignment of values.
* Delegation: The value of a trait attribute can be contained either in the defining object or in another object delegated to by the trait.
* Notification: Setting the value of a trait attribute can notify other parts of the program that the value has changed.
* Visualization: User interfaces that allow a user to interactively modify the value of a trait attribute can be automatically constructed using the trait's definition.
Python Package Index : Trellis 0.7a2
Whether it's an application server or a desktop application, any sufficiently complex system is event-driven -- and that usually means callbacks.

Unfortunately, explicit callback management is to event-driven programming what explicit memory management is to most other kinds of programming: a tedious hassle and a significant source of unnecessary bugs.

For example, even in a single-threaded program, callbacks can create race conditions, if the callbacks are fired in an unexpected order. If a piece of code can cause callbacks to be fired "in the middle of something", both that code and the callbacks can get confused.

Of course, that's why most GUI libraries and other large event-driven systems usually have some way for you to temporarily block callbacks from happening. This lets you fix or workaround your callback order dependency bugs... at the cost of adding even more tedious callback management. And it still doesn't fix the problem of forgetting to cancel callbacks... or register needed ones in the first place!

The Trellis solves all of these problems by introducing automatic callback
management, in much the same way that Python does automatic memory management.
Instead of worrying about subscribing or "listening" to events and managing
the order of callbacks, you just write rules to compute values. The Trellis
"sees" what values your rules access, and thus knows what rules may need to be
rerun when something changes -- not unlike the operation of a spreadsheet.

LinuxHater: la falacia de las opciones

Demasiadas opciones para elegir, estropean el cocido

Linux Hater's Blog: The fallacy of choice
In other words, ten equal choices with ten roughly equal-sized groups each preferring a different choice. For some limited version of the world, this may be true (for example, existing people who are FOSS users already, fighting amongst themselves). But if you look at the general population at large, I claim a different picture emerges:

GUIs: modelo jerárquico vs modelo de señales

Artículo de MS Research sobre un modelo en Haskell de interfaces basado en señales, tipo hardware VLSI pero funcional:
Genuinely Functional User Interfaces

Modelo de programación de GUIs basado en máquinas de estados jerárquicas (hierarchical state machine):
Facilitating post-WIMP Interaction Programming using the Hierarchical State Machine Toolkit

viernes, julio 18, 2008

Usability patterns

Varios enlaces a páginas con design patterns sobre interfaces

http://designinginterfaces.com/ book

Game Interaction Design Pattern Library: Accessibility
Welcome to the Interaction Design Patterns for Games Library. With this collection we aim to provide game developers with proven solutions to frequent usability and accessibility problems in games.
skippable cutscenes

Interaction Design Patterns -- maintained by Tom Erickson
This page contains information about resources related to pattern languages for interaction design (of which user interface design is a subset), and a few links to more general papers
Usability First: Usability Glossary

Usability Glossary
User Interface Design Patterns

It has long been common practice to use recurring solutions to solve common problems. Such solutions are also called design patterns. Collections of software design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced user interface designer. This website seeks to better the situation for the UI designer, who struggles with the same problems as many other UI designers have struggled with before him.
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
Welcome to the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library. We're thrilled to be sharing patterns and code with the web design and development community, we hope it's useful, and we look forward to your feedback.

A Mono Moonlight interface showing related patterns and implementation details

lunes, julio 14, 2008

Encuestas como juegos

Empresa de consultas online que utiliza cuestionarios diseñados como juegos flash para rellenar encuestas, en vez de formularios tradicionales. Este artículo hace una crítica del sitio.

MindCanvas Review - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Research Methods

MindCanvas describes itself as a remote research tool that uses Game-like Elicitation Methods (GEMs) to gather insights about customer’s thoughts and feelings. It was developed by Uzanto Consulting, a web product strategy firm. When I first learned about MindCanvas, I understood it to be an online card sorting tool. Happily, it’s much more than that.

viernes, julio 11, 2008

Tutorial para ver series en alta definición

Espoiler: Tutorial para ver series en alta definición

• 1 televisor moderno adquirido para ver la Eurocopa

• 1 CPU (torre de ordenador)

• 1 termo con café negro fuerte

• 1 cable raro

• 1 sofá-cama en el que se pueda quedar uno a vivir

martes, julio 08, 2008

Jar jar es un genio!

Un pequeño Internet meme.

Darths & Droids
We Googled the sentence: "Jar Jar, you're a genius". Up until today, that short English sentence appeared nowhere on the Internet.

Darths & Droids: Breaking new dimensions in originality.
aafad 48/365 jar jar, you're a genius en Flickr: ¡Intercambio de fotos!
the gungan genius catches up on some light reading ...

jumping on the interweb meme bandwagon as requested at darths & droids

... Antes de que apareciera en D&D, ya existía en Internet

jueves, julio 03, 2008

Portal's coolnes explained (without spoilers)

Este tipo explica por qué el juego Portal es tan cojonudo, pero sin destriparlo.

iKnowWhatImDoing.com: Look at me, still talking when there's science to do
You're not communicating with the voice any more than you communicating with the author of the New York Times Crossword Puzzle.

Except that the voice watches you, and reacts. Like if the NYT puzzle guy was looking over your shoulder and going, "oh, shit, you're using pen?" It IS a relationship, because both characters have attitudes about each other, and those attitudes change and are affected by both parties' actions. It's fairly simple, now that I think about it.

La planta más vieja del mundo

La semilla llevaba siglos enterrada. Encontrada en una excavación arqueológica y hecha germinar con ingeniería biológica.

2.000 años esperando a nacer - Blogs 20minutos: La Crónica Verde

miércoles, julio 02, 2008

Consejos para vender multimedia, a pesar de la piratería

Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Five Ways to Fight Software Piracy:The Publishers vs. The Pirates, Part 2
So the goal here should not be eliminating piracy, which is absurd and impossible. Instead, work on converting as many of those pirates into customers. Here are five ways to get people to pay for your stuff. Again, these are social changes - this has nothing to do with building a better DRM system. As a bonus, a lot of these things are free.

martes, julio 01, 2008

Eficiencia energética: ¿qué puedo hacer yo?

Fundación Terra - Campañas - Decrecimiento y Sostenibilidad - Contra el cambio climático: YO SOY LA SOLUCIÓN
Los gestos que promovemos con esta campaña son:

-1. Iluminación de bajo consumo. Sustituir bombillas incandescentes y halógenas por bombillas fluorescentes compactas o de LEDS

-2. Aparatos energéticamente eficientes. Adquirir aparatos eléctricos que no derrochen energía, como los denominados energéticamente de Clase A, A+, A++ o que cumplan otros criterios d'salvo como Energy Star, etc.

-3. Recogida selectiva de la basura doméstica. Recoger selectivamente la basura y traer las fracciones como por ejemplo papel, envases o materia orgánica al contenedor correspondiente y el resto de valorizables el Punto Verde y ahorrar energía y contaminación.

-4. Climatización de bajo consumo. Seleccionar el termostato de la climatización en verano para que se mantenga por encima de 26º C y en invierno que no suba por encima de los 20 ºC además de utilizar aparatos de bajo consumo como por ejemplo las bombas de calor tipo inverter.

-5. Ir en bicicleta o transportes colectivos. Para recorridos de menos de 3 km la bicicleta es el sistema de locomoción más eficiente. Los transportes colectivos reducen en 4 veces las emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero.

-6. Conducir eficientemente. Cambiar de marcha por debajo de las 2.500 revoluciones en los vehículos de gasolina y por debajo de las 2.000 en los de gasoil puede ahorrar un 35 % de combustible.

-7. Consumo local. Hoy el 40 % de las emisiones son debidas al transporte de mercancías por todo el mundo. Cada vez que compramos en el barrio o compramos productos producidos localmente (fruta de comarcas vecinas en vez de otros países, carne de aquí en vez de Irlanda o Argentina) ahorramos en emisiones d'efecto invernadero.

-8. Viviendas con aislamiento. Ventanas y puertas pueden aportar pérdidas importantes de climatización sino están bien aisladas. El doble vidrio a las ventanas y l'aislamiento a las cajas de las persianas pueden reducir la factura energética.