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lunes, marzo 17, 2008

Selección de programas portables para llave USB

How to: Make Your USB Drive into a Digital Swiss Army Knife | Free Geekery

USB stickAs
any geek can tell you, the smaller and more portable a gadget is, the
better that gadget becomes. You can’t get much more portable than
USB drives, which can be carried in a pocket, around the neck, or even
on a key chain. This, in and of itself, is already a pretty cool and a
relatively inexpensive way to carry around a few extra gigs of whatever
it is you need to carry around. But there are ways to make your USB
drive even more useful, and these processes allow you to take many of
the functions of your desktop with you to any computer you might want
to use.

You can find numerous programs designed to run specifically from a
USB drive. Best of all, almost all these programs are free, so put that
Amex back in your wallet. Simply install them on your USB drive and they’re ready to travel with you anywhere. Here’s a list of 55 of the most useful USB programs around.

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