Electronic Arts ha donado el código fuente del SimCity original como código abierto, para ser usado en el proyecto educativo One Laptop Per Child.
Games that can educate: SimCity donated to OLPC project
Games that can educate: SimCity donated to OLPC project
Games that can educate: SimCity donated to OLPC project
"The goal is to enable the open-source community to renovate SimCity
and take it in new educational directions, by applying Seymour Papert's
ideas about constructionist education, Alan Kay's ideas about
interactive user interfaces and object-oriented programming, Ben
Shneiderman's ideas about direct manipulation and info visualization,
and many exciting ideas about multiplayer games, blogging,
storytelling, game mods, player created content, and lessons learned
from World of WarCraft, The Sims, Spore, etc," Hopkins wrote in a comment at Slashdot earlier this year.
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