Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

jueves, octubre 11, 2007

Predicciones sobre la web

Reflexiones sobre lo que nos traerá la web del futuro

The Structured Web - A Primer
Among the evolving aspects of the new web are Semantics, Attention (Implicit Behavior) and Personalization. Regardless of what we are decide to call this next web, the information in it is going to be more meaningful, more automatic, and more tailored to each of us.

Paso intermedio: Structured Web

Top down approach
What if the problem was restated from the consumer point of view? Here is what we are really looking forward to with the semantic web:

  • Spend less time searching
  • Spend less time looking at things that do not matter
  • Spend less time explaining what we want to computers
What if semantic applications hard-wired understanding and recognition of the nouns and then also hard-wired the verbs that make sense? We are actually well on our way doing just that. Vertical search engines like Spock, Retrevo, ZoomInfo, the page annotating technology from Clear Forrest, Dapper, and the Map+ extension for Firefox are just a few examples of top-down semantic web services.

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