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lunes, mayo 07, 2007

Recomendadores de musica online

Algunos incluso son compatibles con Linux

CScout TrendBlog » Trend: Music Recommendations 2.0

Trend: Music Recommendations 2.0
Posted by Josefine Koehn | January 24, 2007 on 10:23 pm | In Technology Trends, Lifestyle Trends, USA |

Music recommendation services are taking on Web 2.0 functionality integrating the best of user generated content, communites and social networking.

Trend Description:
Since the first consumer logged on to the Internet, user reviews and recommendations became increasingly important. Now the music industry and some music fans caught on. The result are several new websites, which let users and listeners judge and choose what they want to hear. The music fan, the listener and the music critic become one and the same person. Users can socialize based on their music taste, explore and discover new music through playlists of friends and the social network of these new user-fed web applications.



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