Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

sábado, julio 28, 2007

Consejos básicos de seguridad en Ubuntu

Artículo bastante completo

Ubuntu Security - Ubuntu Forums
Ubuntu Security

I am writing this guide as a concerned member of the Ubuntu Community. Security is a concern for us all and in welcoming new (and experienced) users to Ubuntu I would like to demystify the complexities of security that come with your new OS.

Disclaimer : I am not an expert in security. This document is intended as a security overview for new users. This thread is not intended as an all inclusive how-to or discuss the merits of any particular security measure. I offer no guarantee that by running Ubuntu with any or all of these suggestions your security will be foolproof or that you will never be cracked.

I would like to direct any general security discussions to the Servers & Security and any comments on this introductory sticky here.

I would like to thank the Ubuntu Staff, especially jdong and compiledkernel for their review and suggestions.

Introduction : Security is an ongoing process and, like an onion, it has layers and stinks. The best defense you have is to read and learn how to secure your OS.

viernes, julio 27, 2007

Evaluación del modelo cognitivo en prototipos HCI

Herramienta para modelizar/modelar el esfuerzo de uso de una herramienta / interfaz.

The CogTool Project
Tools to Support Modeling

CogTool leverages the concept of a design storyboard to create accurate models of skilled performance behavior. Designers can simply draw onto an existing image of a device or software interface to create a single frame of the storyboard. Individual screens can be linked to form a complete storyboard for one or more tasks. Complex interfaces can be mocked up quickly using these simple techniques.

Editing a Design Storyboard in CogTool 1.0b1

Artículo rico en enlaces sobre HCI

Historia y bookmarks - information retrieval - recuperar información - lost & found

Conferencia CHI 2007

Alex Faaborg - » Quantitative Design
Cognitive Performance Modeling

One way of quickly evaluating the efficiency of a new interface is through cognitive performance modeling, using a program like CogTool. By evaluating an interface with a simulated user, designers can rapidly iterate on their design without having to constantly bring in real users for testing. For example, cognitive modeling was used extensively by Google and NASA to improve the user interface of tab browsing in Firefox 2.

Some studies have found that only .02% of page visits originate from history, and only 8% of users know about the feature.

OCR online gratis

Servicio web de reconocimiento de texto gratis, a partir de fotos tomadas con el móvil produce un PDF.

ScanR - use camera phones for OCR
ScanR - use camera phones for OCR

scanR is a free service that lets you transform camera phone pictures into PDF documents. You can take a picture of a document, send it to scanR by email and in less than a minute you'll get a PDF file. If you save the file as text in Acrobat Reader, you'll have the text contained in the document. You can also use it for whiteboard images.

scanR requires 1 megapixel cameras for whiteboard scanning and 2 megapixel cameras for document scanning. For best results, take pictures about 12" from the document, in a well-lit area.

I tested this online OCR service with Sony Ericsson K750i and the results were pretty good. It missed some characters, so it can't be used as a replacement for an OCR software as Abbyy FineReader, but the PDF from scanR can improve the results of an OCR processing with a commercial software.

7 trucos de Google nada triviales

Cómo exprimir Google con posibilidades de búsqueda "semántica"

7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing | Marc and Angel
7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing
View Comments

Below I have compiled a list of 7 clever Google tricks that I believe everyone should be aware of. Together I think they represent the apex of the grand possibilities associated with Google search manipulation tricks and hacks. Although there are many others out there, these 7 tricks are my all-time favorite. Enjoy yourself.

1. Find the Face Behind the Result

Tarifa plana de videojuegos

El alquiler de videojuegos a través de la red llega a España - Noticias en MERISTATION
El alquiler de videojuegos a través de la red llega a España
La compañía RentaGame inaugura sus servicios en la península.

Por: Enrique García

El alquiler de videojuegos a través de la red llega a España
El alquiler de videojuegos a través de la red llega a España
Los servicios de alquiler y compra de videojuegos a través de la red, insertados en países otros países de Europa, llegan a España de la mano de RentaGame.es, una nueva compañía que ofrece a los jugadores la posibilidad de alquilar videojuegos sin desplazarse de casa. Esta empresa española brinda a los jugadores la oportunidad de alquilar videojuegos y recibirlos en casa mediante el servicio de correos. Mediante un sencillo sistema, podrás alquilar tantos juegos como quieras durante el mes. Una vez que decidamos hacernos con otro título, bastará con enviar desde correos el juego en alquiler introduciéndolo en el sobre proporcionado por la compañía y sin coste adicional. Además, siempre tendrás la opción de adquirir el título alquilado a mitad de precio. Este servicio está disponible a través de diversos packs desde 17.99 euros al mes.

The Little JavaScripter

Reglas para convertir el libro "The little LISPer" a Javascript. Del mismo autor de las charlas en el post anterior. El mismo sitio web incluye montones de artículos sobre JavaScript avanzado.

The Little JavaScripter
The Little JavaScripter

JavaScript has much in common with Scheme. It is a dynamic language. It has a flexible datatype (arrays) that can easily simulate s-expressions. And most importantly, functions are lambdas.

Because of this deep similarity, all of the functions in The Little Schemer can be written in JavaScript. The syntaxes of these two languages are very different, so some transformation rules are needed.

La magia de JavaScript - alto nivel

Charlas sobre Javascript, explicando la potencia de sus características más esotéricas - como lenguaje dinámico.

You think you know (JavaScript) but you have no idea
The JavaScript Programming Language
a series of excelent presentations held by Douglas Crockford from Yahoo!. Slides are available for download here. If you are just learning JavaScript, view these clips first. If you think you know JavaScript, view these clips now, and find out what the language really can do. I would recommend this not only to JavaScript programmers.

Part I
JavaScript, aka Mocha, aka LiveScript, aka JScript, aka ECMAScript, is one of the world's most popular programming languages. Virtually every personal computer in the world has at least one JavaScript interpreter installed on it and in active use. JavaScript's popularity is due entirely to its role as the scripting language of the WWW. Despite its popularity, few know that JavaScript is a very nice dynamic object-oriented general-purpose programming language. How can this be a secret? Why is this language so misunderstood? (source)

Twitter - red social instantánea, por SMS

Clive Thompson on How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense
When I see that my friend Misha is "waiting at Genius Bar to send my MacBook to the shop," that's not much information. But when I get such granular updates every day for a month, I know a lot more about her. And when my four closest friends and worldmates send me dozens of updates a week for five months, I begin to develop an almost telepathic awareness of the people most important to me. It's like proprioception, your body's ability to know where your limbs are. That subliminal sense of orientation is crucial for coordination: It keeps you from accidentally bumping into objects, and it makes possible amazing feats of balance and dexterity. Twitter and other constant-contact media create social proprioception. They give a group of people a sense of itself, making possible weird, fascinating feats of coordination.

jueves, julio 26, 2007

Tutoriales KDE 4

Python bindings, Plasma...

Development/Tutorials - KDE TechBase
Tutorials are the fastest way of finding out what KDE will do for you, and how to do it. Here is a list of currently available tutorials for KDE4. Material for KDE3 and KDE2 is available on the bottom of this page.

miércoles, julio 25, 2007

La cortina de baño de Psicosis

VINÇON - Madrid
VINÇON MADRID HORARIO • De lunes a sábado de 10:00 a 20:30h (sin interrupciones) ACCESOS • Castelló, 18




180x180 cm


33,32 Euros


38,65 Euros



• De lunes a sábado de 10:00 a 20:30h (sin interrupciones)
• Castelló, 18

Filtrado de noticias RSS usando inteligencia artificial

A New, Better Approach to RSS
Aiderss Logo
I spent some time over the weekend playing with a new RSS tool called AideRSS.

Created by a small team in Waterloo, Ont., AideRSS offers tools to analyze blogs and blog posts - thereby giving you the ability to quickly determine what blog posts are worth reading, which is a godsend for people struggling with too many RSS feeds and not enough time.

What is AideRSS?

AideRSS is an intelligent assistant that saves time and keeps you on top of the latest news. We research every story and filter out the noise, allowing you to focus on what matters most.


  • Save time, be productive
  • Stay on top of the news
  • Read what matters
  • Find best stories with ease
  • Track performance over time


martes, julio 24, 2007

Python class decorators

Metaprogramming, aspect oriented programming


The current method for transforming functions and methods (for instance, declaring them as a class or static method) is awkward and can lead to code that is difficult to understand. Ideally, these transformations should be made at the same point in the code where the declaration itself is made. This PEP introduces new syntax for transformations of a function or method declaration.


The current method of applying a transformation to a function or method places the actual transformation after the function body. For large functions this separates a key component of the function's behavior from the definition of the rest of the function's external interface. For example:

def foo(self):
perform method operation
foo = classmethod(foo)

This becomes less readable with longer methods. It also seems less than pythonic to name the function three times for what is conceptually a single declaration. A solution to this problem is to move the transformation of the method closer to the method's own declaration. The intent of the new syntax is to replace

def foo(cls):
foo = synchronized(lock)(foo)
foo = classmethod(foo)

with an alternative that places the decoration in the function's declaration:

def foo(cls):

Modifying classes in this fashion is also possible, though the benefits are not as immediately apparent. Almost certainly, anything which could be done with class decorators could be done using metaclasses, but using metaclasses is sufficiently obscure that there is some attraction to having an easier way to make simple modifications to classes. For Python 2.4, only function/method decorators are being added.

Análisis cognitivo del tagging

A cognitive analysis of tagging
cognitive analysis of tagging
A cognitive analysis of tagging
(or how the lower cognitive cost of tagging makes it popular)

At the start, let me confess that I struggled with this topic. From my first encounter with tagging (on systems such as del.icio.us & flickr), I could feel how easy it was to tag. But it took me a while to understand the cognitive processes at work. What follows is Rashmi's theory of tagging - my hypothesis about the cognitive process that kicks into place when we tag an item, and how this differs than the process of categorizing. In doing so, my hope is to explain the increasing popularity of tagging, and offer some ideas regarding the design of tagging / categorization systems.

My ideas are mostly based on my observations about how people tag and relating it to on academic research in cognitive psychology and anthropology. This is a first version, which I expect to revise as I learn more. Feedback is very welcome.

The rapid growth of tagging(1)in the last year is testament to how easy and enjoyable people find the tagging process. The question is how to explain it at the cognitive level. In search for a cognitive explanation of tagging, I went back to my dusty cognitive psychology textbooks. This is what I learnt.(2)

cognitive analysis of tagging

Categorization is a 2-stage process.

Stage 1: Related Category Activation The first stage is the computation of similarity between the item and candidate concepts. For example, I come

Firefox 3 tags & bookmarks redesign

Places:User Interface - MozillaWiki
Places:User Interface
From MozillaWiki

(see also: the Places:Firefox 2 User Interface Ideas)

Implementation plan and bugs are available in the Firefox 3 Places UI Plan.

* 1 Background Research
* 2 Bookmark Creation
* 3 Favicon Menu
* 4 Bookmarks Sidebar
* 5 Bookmarks Toolbar
* 6 Free-form Tagging/Annotation
* 7 Bookmarks Organizer
* 8 Search

Background Research

* Background Research

Luxor - toolkit de XUL integrado (Java, Python...)

Five Freedoms - Xul Charter

  • Freedom to Choose Your Runtime - Java, Mono, C/C++
  • Freedom to Choose Your GUI Designer -
  • Freedom to Choose Your GUI Toolkit - Swing, SWT, Gtk#, Qt
  • Freedom to Choose Your Scripting Language - Python, Perl, Tcl
  • Freedom to Choose Your Programming Language - Java, C#, Shark
Luxor Tutorials

YAWLS - Yet Another Web-client Language for Scripting

Una especie de Javascript de Sun, incluye un lenguaje declarativo para interfaces, tipo tipo XUL/XAML/XIML

Sun developing open source JavaFX Script compiler
Sun developing open source JavaFX Script compiler By Ryan Paul | Published: July 20, 2007 - 07:41PM CT In May, Sun announced the availability of JavaFX Script, a highly expressive language for developing portable rich interactive media applications. JavaFX script has some nice syntactic features like Pythonic list comprehensions and support for first-class functions, but the main selling point is a declarative syntax for describing user interfaces and vector art.

lunes, julio 23, 2007

Sistema operativo ligero para 486

Con Internet, juegos de los 90, reproductor de video...

MenuetOS is an Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language, and released under the License. It supports 32/64 bit x86 assembly programming for smaller, faster and less resource hungry applications. Menuet has no roots within UNIX or the POSIX standards, nor is it based on any particular operating system. The design goal has been to remove the extra layers between different parts of an OS, which normally complicate programming and create bugs. Menuet's application structure is not specifically reserved for asm programming since the header can be produced with practically any other language. However, the overall application programming design is intended for easy 32/64 bit asm programming. Menuet's responsive GUI is easy to handle with assembly language.

Scratch - programacion para no programadores

El entorno Scratch, del MIT, ha salido del laboratorio y está disponible al gran público.

Scratch | About
Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. Scratch is designed to help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learning skills. As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the process of design. Scratch is available free of charge, go to Download.

jueves, julio 19, 2007

Archivo digital a largo plazo

What Digital Preservation Can Learn from Library History

Cómo construir la piedra rosetta del futuro

Keepers of the Crumbling Culture: What Digital Preservation Can Learn from Library History

Technological advances come equipped with both affordances and
unintended consequences. Preservation has its own well-known examples
of technological advances leading to problems for librarians to solve:

  • "Brittle books," the product of nineteenth-century technological innovations that had produced inexpensive paper;

  • Bulk microfilming techniques employing scanning equipment that required the spines of books to be cut off;

  • Reformatting — or "re-purposing" as our colleagues in the
    music industry call it — of analog tapes to digital, only to
    discover that the digital media are more fragile than we realize.

Preservation of new media is even more problematic than preservation
of earlier ones. By one estimate, as much as half of the global motion
picture library may become inaccessible in 10 to 15 years because the
storage media have degraded [1].
To understand how preservation will be addressed in the 21st century,
we need to look at how librarians have responded to preservation needs
in the past and ask what can we learn from that experience to enable
our culture save in usable form its proliferation of electronic
information. One major change is the shift from preservation of the
medium or the physical artifact — that is, the book or the reel
of tape — as a means of preserving content, to preservation of
content that may be platform-independent together with meaningful
access to that content.

miércoles, julio 18, 2007

jueves, julio 12, 2007

Seguridad RFID y jaulas de Faraday

Paper - articulo sobre Faraday cages & security

Juegos y ejercicio físico - gimnasios virtuales

Gaming your way into better shape: Page 4
Breaking down the games

Let's take a look at each of these games and see exactly what they bring to the table when it comes to fitness. They're all very different products, so I think it's worth breaking down the strengths and weaknesses of each one:
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2

This had to have been the most fun I had with this project; once you strip away the social stigma of dancing around your living room in sweats—and isn't that a pretty picture?—you're going to have fun. For fitness, you can set up an account in the game and give yourself daily goals of how many calories you'd like to lose, and the game guesstimates how many calories you're burning as you go as well. You can set up your own string of songs, so you set up your own routine with your favorite songs. This makes it a simple thing to keep your heart rate up, and the time flies by. It got to the point where I was looking forward to my DDR days versus Yourself Fitness and Eye Toy Kinetic.

Videojuegos para ponerse en forma

para Playstation, Wii ...

Nintendo shows off new flagship product: Wii Fit

Gaming your way into better shape: Page 1
After poking around a bit, I found that there was a glut of products for video game systems that are meant to promote fitness. I remember back in the day when rowing machines had simplistic video games attached to them to get you to work out harder, but I had no clue there were exercise bikes attached to PlayStations, EyeToy games dedicated to fitness, or a game that includes its own personal trainer named Maya... who just happens to have a great, uh, energizing spirit.

As I started on my quest for fitness, I had a few questions. How good are these games? Can someone actually get into shape using just video games in their own home? How much was this going to cost me? Clearly there is a market for this sort of thing, but are people actually being helped, or is this just a clever way to get people to buy more games?

Thus began the experiment: a few fitness games, two months testing time, and a tweaked diet. How well do these games really work? We're about to find out.

Historia de los géneros de videojuegos

Videos con resumen de distintos tipos de juegos

Crave TV Videos - Gadget and Technology Videos from Crave at CNET.co.uk
The history of music videogames

The only iPhone in London

Greetings Bubblenauts! It's that time of the week again. Prepare to have your tentacles turned on by a glorious array of tech news and reviews.

miércoles, julio 11, 2007

APIs de Google relacionadas

Grafico mostrando las conexiones entre los distintos web services publicados por Google

Zorgloob Logiciels - Accueil
Carte des services Google
Cliquez sur un nom de service ou son image pour consulter sa fiche descriptive.
La carte peut ne pas être à jour avec la base de données des liens.

martes, julio 10, 2007

Imprimir a fichero PDF

PDF Service with Samba LG #72
PDF Service with Samba
By John Bright

PDF documents provide a great way to pass around documents on the Internet. They have many uses, such as sending quotes and invoices to business clients. Two of the main reasons the PDF format is so popular is that it preserves all of the document's formatting exactly and it is easily viewable on almost all platforms. For many computer users stuck in the Windows paradigm, creating PDF documents means forking over precious cash to the folks at Adobe. However, this article will show you how to use Linux, Samba, and Ghostscript to provide a PDF creation service to both Windows and Linux users. Of course, all of this can be obtained for free.

First, let's take a look at the overall scheme of operation. We will use Samba to provide a "pseudo-printer" service (it will look like a standard printer to clients) that will use Ghostscript to create a PDF document out of any Postscript printer job that is queued onto it. We will then configure the Windows machines to use this shared printer and send jobs to it in Postscript form.

Extensiones para gestionar bookmarks & historial de navegación

Slashdot | How Do You Keep Track of Your Web-Based Research?
How Do You Keep Track of Your Web-Based Research?
Posted by Cliff on Friday May 25, @08:20AM
from the better-than-a-bookmark dept.
The Internet
time961 asks: "I use the Web extensively to research a wide variety of topics (weird, huh?). However, much of the time I end up printing out web pages and filing them on paper, because that's the easiest way I know to say 'OK, that was interesting, I'll hold on to it until I actually do something about this topic'. Often, I'll run across something that seems relevant to a long-term project or interest and just want to grab it without even reading the details. Paper is OK for reading, browsing, and scribbling, but it's hard to search, it's heavy, and it's wasteful (and I yearn for a day when browsers can reliably print what's on the screen, instead of cutting it off at the margin because some designer doesn't understand layout!). How do others deal with organizing the results of browsing?"
Bookmarks and histories aren't the answer — they're not very good for searching, the UI isn't very good for, say, adding notes, and they don't work offline. Also, stale URLs are a huge problem — a key advantage of paper is that it doesn't randomly fade out in a few days (or decades), so a good solution would have to keep copies, not just references. I imagine something like a FireFox plug-in with a 'Remember This' button and some options for category, keywords, annotations, etc., but I'll bet there are more creative approaches, too."

Zotero - gestion de bookmarks y referencias a artículos

Zotero - The Next-Generation Research Tool
Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work — in the web browser itself.

Automatic capture of citation information from web pages
Storage of PDFs, files, images, links, and whole web pages
Flexible notetaking with autosave
Fast, as-you-type search through your materials
Playlist-like library organization, including saved searches (smart collections) and tags
Platform for new forms of digital research that can be extended with other web tools and services
Runs right in your web browser
Formatted citation export (style list to grow rapidly)
Free and open source
Integration with Microsoft Word and other word processors
Saves records and notes in any language; interface available in Austrian German Bulgarian Brazilian Portuguese Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) French German Italian Japanese Korean Dutch Norwegian Serbian Spanish Swiss German Turkish US English with more on the way
Integration with WordPress and other blogging software
Remote library backup
Shared collections
Access your library from anywhere via the web
Advanced search and data mining tools
Recommendation engine and RSS feeds
Wide variety of import/export options

domingo, julio 08, 2007

¿Para qué usa usted su red social?

35 puntos de vista sobre redes sociales

35 Perspectives on Online Social Networking (SocialComputingMagazine.com)
35 Perspectives on Online Social Networking
Feedback Author Bio Printer-Friendly E-Mail Article
Enter Your E-Mail Address:

Thursday, July 5, 2007; Posted: 5:12 AM - by Malene Charlotte Larsen

Related Links
Socrates Alas Wasn't Able To Attend, But You Shouldn't Risk Missing It: Web 2.0 University
The Four Pillars of Social Software
Are These Web 2.0's Top 100 Companies?
The New Face of the Web: Online Video Growth Outstrips All Other Digital Media
Government and the Blogging Revolution: IBM Report

There are many different perspectives to put on online social networking and it is important to know where one is coming from when talking about social networking and youth. The perspective(s) one has will be very different whether one is a parent with a teenage daughter on MySpace, a marketing executive interested in the target group “14 to 20,” a journalist looking for the next big news story on young people and new media, a youngster using a social networking site as part of everyday life or a researcher investigating how young people are using social networking sites.

jueves, julio 05, 2007

"Juegos serios" - educativos

Gamasutra - Who Says Video Games Have to be Fun? The Rise of Serious Games
The Rise of Serious Games
(Page 1/4)
Next arrow

Think back to when you first contemplated getting into the video games industry. The ‘aha’ moment probably occurred while playing a particular game.

That certainly was the case for Suzanne Seggerman, co-founder and president of Games for Change, the social change/social issues branch of the Washington, D.C.-based Serious Games Initiative. While working as a documentary film producer for PBS, a co-worker slipped Seggerman a diskette containing Jim Gasperini’s government simulation game, Hidden Agenda. “I had played a little Asteroids while in college,” the New Yorker remembers, “but I definitely wasn’t a gamer.”

miércoles, julio 04, 2007

Juegos para Linux

kahvipapu » Linux gaming, part one: first person shooters
Linux gaming, part one: first person shooters

Published by th on June 16, 2007 11:41 pm under Games, Linux

Linux might not have as much games as Windows (or game consoles) but people enjoying this wonderful open source operating system can have fun with games too, as there are a lot of free games for Linux available, even some huge commercial ones. Even Linux games are a niche market, Linux gaming has got a pretty colorful history so far. So what’s the state of Linux gaming?

(Brief) History of Linux gaming