Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

domingo, mayo 23, 2010

TABADA! use cases

Some use cases for the TABADA! semantic information system.

- TABADA! Multiselect + TABADA! Multiedit: Add an ordering number to all the images taken at the Mexico pyramids.

- TABADA! Dataflow + TABADA! InfoPanels: Show on the desktop all the technology news from the three main online newspapers.

- TABADA! Action!: Publish all items tagged with "keep" to my Facebook account.

martes, mayo 18, 2010

UX design explained to teenagers


"My goal was to prepare them for that project by communicating two key things:

1. Make things for people.
2. Those people aren’t you.

Before the class, Ben warned me about the attention span of his students, and boy was he right. The thing about high school kids is they won’t pretend to be interested if you’ve lost them. Adults at a conference will gaze forward in your general direction, but high school kids will just put their head on the table and go to sleep. If you ever want to get a real gauge of how interesting a speaker you are (or how well you’re really communicating), I highly recommend it, humbling as it is. "

miércoles, mayo 12, 2010

Features or not features

Diseño sencillo vs diseño con muchas funcionalidades.

"Features are good. They set Firefox apart from others, and attract users. What bothers users is features that don’t have a mature user interface. The solution should be to fix the interface, not drop the feature."


martes, mayo 04, 2010

Software interesante



domingo, mayo 02, 2010

HCI implicito


Non-gesture interaction, where the computer directly analyzes user behavior:

“Implicit human-computer interaction is an action, performed by the user that is not primarily aimed to interact with a computerized system but which such a system understands as input.” [5]. This is opposed to explicit HCI, where “the user tells the computer at a certain level of abstraction (e.g., by command-line, direct manipulation using a GUI, gesture, or speech input) what she expects the computer to do.” [5]. An example of explicit HCI is using a direct-manipulation graphical user interface (GUI) to drag a file from one folder to another, in order to have the file become located in the target folder. Implicit HCI, on the other hand, requires computers to observe and interpret what the user is doing, via sensors, which may be implemented as physical sensors (e.g., GPS) or digital sensors (e.g., file usage monitor)."

Ejemplo: GNOME busqueda contextual de ficheros

Un buscador asociativo de ficheros usando Gnome zeitgeist. Tiene algoritmos de detección de ficheros relacionados (working sets).

