Buscar en Mind w/o Soul

lunes, julio 13, 2009

n800 code & diablo HOWTO

Howto reinstall diablo n800 in linux

Official maemo page: Other HOWTOs

Reset nokia n800 password
i was able to find the password in /dev/mtd* ...

Install KDE

Proceedings in HCI



viernes, julio 10, 2009

Seen on slashdot: checkbox humor

slashdot posting form

Slashdot Posting Form v0.1
Please select all that apply:
[ ] IANAL but ____
[ ] XKCD link : ___
[ ] Bash quote: ____
[ ] There, fixed that for you
[ ] In soviet russia the _____'s YOU
[ ] sudo _____ > /dev/null
[ ] Get off my lawn
[ ] Cory Doctrow
[ ] Al gore
[ ] Natalie Portman

a.k.a. checkbox humour

martes, julio 07, 2009

Semiótica y diseño de interacción

The Semiotic Engineering of Human-Computer Interaction

"Semiotics has a reputation for being difficult, abstract, and obtuse. This is most unfortunate, for as Clarisse de Souza illustrates in this powerful book, semiotics offers a compelling and novel viewpoint. It is common to think of interaction between a person and technology as communication with the technology. De Souza shows that the real communication is between designer and person, where the technology is the medium. Once designs are thought of as shared communication and technologies as media, the entire design philosophy changes radically, but in a positive and constructive way. This book has changed my thinking: read it and change yours."
—Don Norman, Nielsen Norman Group, author of Emotional Design

Tipos de menú contextual

Aza Raskin


viernes, julio 03, 2009

Crear Wireframes con Firefox

Firefox Pencil Project

(Paper prototypes and wireframes)

Un plugin para Firefox que permite crear prototipos de interacción (wireframes)

Formas de aprendizaje de uso de una interfaz

UI Design Newsletter – June, 2009

Do age and experience impact interaction with devices?

Here's what they notated about strategies during their observations:

  1. Systematic exploration – people are testing and evaluating hypotheses about how the device works and then making plans for the next action to take.
  2. Trial and error – less logical than systematic exploration, people are trying various actions without a plan
  3. Rigid exploration – repetitive actions without meaningful outcomes, people are doing the same things over and over even if they don't work; there is a lack of self reflection
  4. Encapsulation – Focused information searching without an progress in task flow; people continue to search for information even though they aren't making progress in getting the task done